Friday, September 20

54% of the post-Millennial generation disapprove of the capitalist model in the United States

According to the study, the number of young Republicans with a favorable view of capitalism decreased from 81% on 2019 to the 66%. The 51% of young Americans said they had a positive view of socialism

54% de la generación post-Millenial desaprueba el modelo capitalista en Estados Unidos
Lack of opportunities, impoverishment, and precariousness have led many young Americans to wonder if the capitalist model it is still functional.

Photo: Jorge Macías / Impremedia

Luis Diaz

The current economic model and its repercussions on the development of citizens in the country has resulted in the fact that a large majority of young adults under the age of 40 years in the entire United States has a negative view of capitalism , according to a survey carried out by Axios and Momentive.

The pandemic showed that there is a growing economic inequality not only in African-American, Asian and Latino ethnic groups, but also in the Caucasian middle class itself, which experiences a precarious income and way of life compared to adults older than 55 years, who have a better financial life compared to the new generations.

The survey comes within the framework of public debate on political-economic views ace of the ruling class in the country , where the concepts of socialism and capitalism are frequently mentioned. Thus Republicans label their Democratic opponents as radicals and socialists .

In contrast, Democrats belonging to the progressive left wing, have claimed that capitalism has impoverished Americans, in particular found in the most vulnerable ethnic groups , attacking head-on Republicans and some Democrats who defend this model .

According to The Hill, the Axios and Momentive survey was conducted on 11 to the 15 June 2, The study makes it clear that 54% of the elderly who are part of Generation Z stated that they had a negative view of capitalism , while 42% reported having a positive view, according to the survey . The youth age range of 18 to 34 years they are a positive view of capitalism also seems to be declining .

The 49% considered that they had a positive view of capitalism and 46% pleaded that they viewed it negatively, according to the survey. But two years ago, the 58% said they saw it in a positive light, while the 38% said they saw it in a negative way.

According to The Hill, the number of young Republicans with a favorable view of capitalism also dropped from 81% on 2019 to the 66% in the last survey. Meanwhile, the 57% of Americans stated that they had a positive view of capitalism and the 36% expressed that they had a negative view.

The poll also showed changing views on socialism. In general, the 41% of respondents said they had a positive view of socialism and the 54% said they had a negative view. The 51% of young Americans said they had a positive view of socialism , in front of 55% on 2019.

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