Thursday, September 19

Unemployment: decreases faster where extra insurance benefits were removed

According to official figures, in entities such as Missouri the number of beneficiaries of unemployment benefits decreased at an accelerated rate, as well as in others 21 states supplemental payments were canceled

Desempleo: disminuye más rápido en donde se quitaron los beneficios extra del seguro
Although it has been said that this strategy will bring millions of Americans back into the workforce there is a general discomfort.

Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Luis Diaz

The strategy implemented by various states, mostly governed by Republicans, to suppress supplemental unemployment benefits has resulted in hiring rates increasing considerably allowing companies to fill available vacancies .

In agreement With official figures, in entities such as Missouri the number of beneficiaries of unemployment benefits decreased at an accelerated rate , as well as in others 21 states supplemental payments were canceled. This trend suggests that more people will gradually be employed .

In the first days of May, after it was announced that the federal goal job creation was meager, Republicans announced they would abolish supplemental payments for $ 300 Dollars, arguing that the supports made people decline their return to the workforce.

The autonomy that the governors of all the states of the country have allows them to reject federal aid that has an assistance character, so the aid was cut even though it are valid until early September throughout the United States .

According to Fox television, the governor of Missouri , Mike Parson, reported that unemployment benefits were useful during the pandemic because the economy was paralyzed, but given the recovery and the opening of businesses and work centers, payments are no longer valid .

According to the latest report from the United States Department of Labor, Missouri’s unemployment rate represented 4.2% in May, well below the national average that it calculated 5.8%. Missouri cut payments as of 12 of June, joining three other states as the first to do so.

After the decision of these entities, seven states emulated the strategy, which put the 19 of June, based on the schedule of other regions this weekend, benefits expire in 10 states more .

Despite the fact that in Missouri it is said that job creation has been on the rise, we must wait for the official monthly figures issued by the Department of Labor to know if The strategy implemented by the republican state governments, effectively, encouraged employment in a massive way.

In contrast, there is a generalized social climate of concern and In states where supplemental unemployment payments were abolished, despite the vacancies available, many Americans have not found a job. Many people have not returned to work because they do not have support to care for their children .

Also It may interest you: I ndiana returns the extra unemployment insurance benefits after having abolished them

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