Sunday, September 22

Healthy teeth, white and without cavities: 5 foods to maintain it

Show off a smile with gums and healthy teeth, in addition to having good breath is not only achieved with proper oral hygiene, it is also necessary to consume the foods that your teeth need and that help maintain optimal oral health

Dentadura sana, blanca y sin caries: 5 alimentos para mantenerla
Vitamin C deficiency can cause inflammation, bleeding gums and loosening or loss of teeth.

Photo: Shiny Diamond / Pexels

Alba Hernández

Food is an important part of the health of your teeth and gums. While some foods can damage teeth , others provide the nutrients that teeth need to stay strong, they also help clean them and even fight bad breath .

5 Best Foods for Healthy Teeth

1. Foods rich in calcium


Photo: Any Lane / Pexels

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics notes that foods rich in in calcium, such as low-fat or skim milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soy milk, help promote strong bones and teeth.

Natural yogurt with no added sugar is one of the healthiest options. In addition to calcium and protein, it also provides probiotics that can benefit your intestinal health.

Sardines are also one of the foods richest in calcium and are from the fish with the highest content of marine omega-3s.

two. Foods rich in vitamin C

Photo: Oleg Magni / Pexels

Consuming vitamin C is important for good oral health. Vitamin C deficiency can cause inflammation, bleeding gums and loosening or loss of teeth . Peppers, strawberries and oranges are some of the foods richest in vitamin C.

In addition to being rich in vitamin C, strawberries contain malic acid.

According to Healthline, that this acid has bleaching properties, that can help lighten stained teeth.

Incorporating foods with vitamin C in your diet favors your smile but also your whole body, since vitamin C is an antioxidant, it is necessary for the production of collagen yy contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system to protect the body against disease.

3. Foods rich in phosphorus


Photo: PxHere

Most of the phosphorus is in the bones and teeth. Phosphorous-rich foods like yogurt, milk, salmon, scallops, mozzarella cheese, and chicken help strengthen teeth.

4. Fluoridated water

Photo: Lisa / Pexels

The American Dental Association (ADA) points out that water, especially fluoridated water, is the best drink for maintaining oral health, explains that fluoride helps make teeth more resistant to attacks by acids that can cause cavities . So “drinking water from the kitchen sink can help prevent dental problems.”

5. Apples, carrots and celery

Manzana verde Manzana verde
Photo: Any Lane / Pexels

Due to its high content in water and fiber, Fruits and vegetables help clean teeth . Eating them also stimulates the production of saliva, which removes harmful acids and food debris from the teeth.

Fruits and vegetables also provide nutrients and plant chemicals that can also promote oral health. The polyphenols in apples break down sulfur compounds and help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that cause bad breath.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics points out that in addition to a healthy diet, good oral hygiene is necessary. She recommends brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste twice a day, flossing once a day, drinking fluoridated water, and seeing the dentist regularly.

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