Sunday, October 6

AMLO denies spying on journalists and activists critical of his government

AMLO niega espiar a periodistas y activistas críticos de su Gobierno
AMLO denies that his government spies on journalists.

Photo: Héctor Vivas / Getty Images


For: EFE

The Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , denied this Thursday spying on journalists, columnists and human rights defenders critical of his government, as published by the Mexican newspaper El Universal.

It makes no sense to think that we are going to spy on them, it is false. It does not make sense (to investigate) because it is totally false, it is that this newspaper is dedicated to defame, it is the underworld of journalism “, said the president in his daily press conference.

The president exhibited in the National Palace the text of El Universal that denounces the alleged espionage of civil and military security areas to “pressure, intimidate and intimidate.”

The article, which cites activists such as Jan-Albert Hootsen, representative of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in Mexico, notes espionage against high-profile columnists, such as Carlos Loret de Mola, Héctor de Mauleón, Mario Maldonado and Raymundo Riva Palacio.

Why are we going to spy on them, really? If they are predictable. 1320528709 First, we have principles, we have ideals, we are not like them, or like their bosses, “replied López Obrador.

The controversy occurs while Mexico has established itself as the most dangerous country for journalism in the Western Hemisphere, according to CPJ, with 19 murders of journalists in relation to their profession counted by Article 24 since the beginning of López Obrador’s administration in 2018.

In the last week alone, three journalists have been murdered: Gustavo Sánchez Cabrera in Oaxaca, Felipe Enrique García in State of Mexico, and Saúl Tijerina Renteria in Coahuila.

However, The president refused to be involved in the violence despite receiving criticism from international organizations for his attacks and stigmatization of the press .

“Yes, because the president (is) very bad, populist, communist, authoritarian, messiah, who persecutes journalists, who limits freedom of expression, who censors, something never seen in Mexico and also already it does not give journalists money, “he said sarcastically.

The controversy also occurs before the approval of the new National Register of Mobile Phone Users , with which the Government of Mexico will force users to share their biometric data, such as fingerprint and iris, to access a cell phone.

The note from El Universal pointed out that the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) ordered to spy on journalists who criticized this standard.

“We are not going to spy on anyone, we have never done it, and second, what is the point, what is the case, if we already know that they are against us. Do I tell you something? In all frankness, I do not read a column of these gentlemen because it is not necessary “, insisted López Obrador.

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