Thursday, September 19

Closing of the US-Mexico border. by Covid-19: American merchants complain of suffering million-dollar losses without Mexican customers

The restrictive measures have affected sales, without Mexican consumers, falling by $ millions of dollars, currently, represent only $ 250 million dollars, that is, there is a loss of $ 640 millions of dollars

Cierre de la frontera México-EE.UU. por Covid-19: comerciantes estadounidenses se quejan de sufrir pérdidas millonarias sin los clientes mexicanos
Restrictions by the US authorities to allow Mexicans to enter the country to make purchases have left numbers negatives in border area trade.

Photo: GUILLERMO ARIAS / AFP / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

Trade relations for Americans and Mexicans are fundamental for both economies, especially for all those who live in the border areas, since the movement that is generated in both parts of the border stimulates the local finances and can help lessen the negative effects that the pandemic has brought .

With the arrival of the pandemic, the border area was closed, which caused a negative impact for the states that are part of this area, since economic losses have been large for US and Mexican small and medium-sized companies.

After more than a year of restrictions, business leaders on the US border anticipate a gradual reopening thanks to the progress of vaccination in the Mexican bordering states . Despite this, the leaders stated that the restrictions are a form of discrimination against Mexican border residents.

According to EFE, the executive director of the Chamber of Commerce of San Ysidro, Jason Wells considered that “it is discrimination because the restrictions apply only at the border.” According to Wells, there are Mexicans with a tourist visa “who can fly to cities north of the border without any problem.”

Under this reference, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce He added that the restrictive positions can be considered as discriminatory “because it only impacts Mexicans, you can come with a tourist visa from practically any other country in Latin America on a flight without any problem ”.

Wells’ positioning makes sense since thousands of Mexicans need to travel to US areas, not only to the San Ysidro area, a site that belongs to San Diego, not only for commercial purposes, but even labor, for this reason there is an annoyance on the part of those involved in issues that concern trade.

For many the restrictions have not been easy due to the importance of economic exchange that occurs in this region, such is the case of Mexican Daniel Carmona, who lives in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, who needs to cross the border to Paso, Texas on a weekly basis to acquire some products that you offer in your business in that town

Carmona tells in an interview with Real America News that “it has been difficult to acquire the products for my business with the sanitary restrictions. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to get vaccinated and thus the transit to the Pass has been easier, but it is very important that the measures are more flexible so as not to affect trade in the two countries. ”

Jason Wells opined that the restrictive measures have had an impact on sales, without Mexican consumers, fell of $ 890 million dollars currently represent only $ 250 million dollars , that is, there is a loss of $ 640 million dollars in the San Diego area alone. So far, it has not been released what the general economic impact has been in the entire border area with Mexico.

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