Friday, September 20

How long is it normal for us to miss our ex after parting?

In the scientific community there is no clear consensus on the ideal time to overcome the breakup

Por cuánto tiempo es normal que extrañemos a nuestro ex luego de separarse
It is normal to feel sad for a while after ending a relationship.

Photo: Shutterstock

As indicated by In Couple , in the period after a love break is quite common that we miss our partner and even want to be with her again. However, at a certain time, those inclinations should disappear .

From the scientific community there is no clear consensus on the normal time frame to miss and wish to return with our couple , so the time periods that have been proposed are different from each other.

The time of the relationship multiplied by two

According to the psychologist Belén Alvarado, people do not end up getting over their past relationship if it is not in twice the time that the relationship in question lasted . For example, if this lasted two years, we would finish overcoming it in the following four years.

This perspective has the “advantage” of proposing a period of time that is directly proportional to the duration of the relationship and also to the close emotional bond that could be gestated in that period, facilitating the “clean slate ”That the person should do .

However, the The time of the relationship for two results in a rather extended period that most people may not be willing to wait, initiating relationships much earlier than suggested by this proposal.

Ruptura amorosa
There are several psychological proposals that pose different times to overcome a love breakup. Source: Shutterstock

First weeks after the breakup

According to the National Institute of Health, the discouragement and sadness caused by the breakup love affair lasts a few weeks, extending a maximum of period of 3 months .

According to the study, hormonal activity associated with post-breakdown “depression” has a peak of activity quite similar to that which occurs at the beginning of the relationship and that gives rise to the “euphoria” that characterizes couples who have little time together.

Both peaks of activity are based on a important hormonal activity of people , activity that will normalize over time until reaching a state or more stable.

Eleven weeks

According to a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, the ideal time to overcome a love breakup and realize all the positive things it generated in our lives would be 12 weeks, that is, almost 3 months .

According to this study, this period of time is achieved if we help our body to recover more quickly from the relationship, which can be achieved if we promote the release of endorphins that affect mood .

Each relationship has its own peculiarities that directly influence the post-breakup scenario. Thus, there will be people who take more or less time to turn the page and observe what life has in store for them.

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