RN MEP Jordan Bardella. (archives) – Alain ROBERT / SIPA

France “is the laughing stock of the world” because the slowness of vaccinations against Covid – 19 , accused Sunday of the vice -President of the RN Jordan Bardella

, denouncing the RTL Grand Jury – Le Figaro – LCI an “amateurism” of the government. “Germany sets up 400 large vaccine centers and us, we vaccinated in one week the same number that the Germans vaccinate in thirty minutes, “said the MEP, while a controversy is mounting over the number – a few hundred in a week – of people who have already been vaccinated in France.

” They missed the masks, the border controls (…) and we vaccinate in seven days 400 people. It is shameful, ”he said. “We are facing a logistics problem Those who wish to be vaccinated must be able to do so, and large vaccine centers must be set up Where is the Minister of Health? “, He insisted.

Bardella wants free choice

“The whole healthcare community does not understand why there is such a gap with Germany: Germany vaccinates 20. 19 persons per day , We are at 50 », Had denounced Saturday on BFMTV Professor Mehdi Mejdoubi, of the hospital center of Valenciennes. In an attempt to reassure, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced Thursday that caregivers from 20 years could be vaccinated as early as Monday, advancing their turn by several weeks.

Jordan Bardella, who contracted the Covid – 19 at the beginning of November, refused to say if he would get himself vaccinated, while voters in his party are, according to polls, the most skeptical of the vaccine. He insisted on the possibility of “free will” on this point.