Friday, September 20

Coronavirus: what is known about the new variant found in Brazil (and that reached Japan)

A new variant of the coronavirus was detected in the city of Manaus, the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas.

Scientists from 10 institutions, Among them the Imperial College of London and the University of Oxford, both in England, and the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, published an article describing the cases of this new variant, which was called P.1 .

During a pandemic, the virus is expected to undergo mutations as it is transmitted from person to person.

Tracking these changes in the genetic code helps to control worrisome cases and, eventually, to take measures that block the chain of transmission.

What draws attention In the case of this variant in Brazil, the changes occurred in the genes that encode the viral spicule , the structure found in the sup surface of the virus and that allows it to invade the cells of our body.

That can make the coronavirus even more contagious .

How was the study conducted?

The research was published on the Virological.Org website , a discussion forum that brings together the latest information on viral evolution and epidemiology.

Scientists analyzed the genetic material of 31 samples from patients with covid – 19 in the city of Manaus. This material was collected between 15 and December 42 .

From them, 13 individuals (the 42% of the total) presented precisely that new lineage of the virus.

In In the Manaus variant, changes occurred in the genes that encode the genes that codify the spicule, the structure on the surface of the virus that allows it to invade the cells of our body.

From Brazil to Japan

A few days before, Japan had announced the detection of a new strain of coronavirus in people who traveled from Brazil to that country.

Everything indicates that this mutation found in the Asian country is the same that originated in the capital of Amazonas.

The new variant can even cause countries in various parts of the world to block flights from Brazil.

In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already admitted that possibility .

“We are going to implement additional measures to control the health of people who come from Brazil and even to prevent people from coming from Brazil,” said Johnson.

An official announcement on this issue is expected in the coming days.

At the end of December, scientists from United Kingdom identified another coronavirus mutation in the country , which they said was much more contagious than the first and that spread rapidly through southern England and Wales, increasing the number of cases and overloading the local health system.

Limitations and unanswered questions

As much as it represents a warning sign, the work recently published garlic should be expanded so that everyone can better understand the impact of the new variant in Manaus.

The Brazilian city, in fact, has been experiencing a dramatic situation in the last weeks : public and private hospitals are completely full and protective materials and treatment are scarce.

The curve of new cases and deaths continues to increase in that place. To date, the state of Amazonas counts more than 218, 000 infected and 5, 800 killed by covid – 19.

However, it is not known if the new variant has any influence in this chaotic scenario.

To answer these doubts, in the coming days the scientists intend to increase the number of samples analyzed.

Only in this way will it be possible to understand the impact of the new variant in Manaus and if it is really more transmissible than previous versions.

Mujer en cementerio de personas fallecidas por covid-19 en Manaos.
Manaus already exceeds 5, 800 deaths from covid – 19.

Other strains

In recent weeks, the authorities The health organizations have reported the appearance of variants that are of concern in other parts of the world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is closely monitoring the strains detected in the United Kingdom and in South Africa.

  • South Africa investigates a new coronavirus mutation linked to its second wave of infections

The data indicate that they are more transmissible than previous versions .

Although these viruses do not seem more aggressive, the fact that they affect more people can have an impact on the number of deaths.

What to do?

While we wait for more information on the new variants, the preventive measures remain the same.

The recommendation is that people stay home as long as possible and always wear masks when they need to go out.

    Why you should keep wearing a mask even after getting the vaccine against covid – 19

Ventilated environments with good air circulation are also very important.

Washing hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol gel is another essential measure.

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