Friday, October 4

US millionaire tax evasion: Republicans against IRS after data leak in ProPublica report

Republicans have assured that what is disclosed may have an impact on taxpayers losing confidence in the work done by the IRS. They urged federal agencies to do an investigation to find out how the information was leaked

Evasión fiscal de millonarios en EE.UU.: los republicanos, contra el IRS luego de la filtración de datos en informe de ProPublica
Republicans have publicly raised their voices about what happened, their position may stop possible agreements with the Democrats.

Photo: Lou Correa / Courtesy

Luis Diaz

Republicans are not happy with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after the ProPublica report was released, which released the Americans Confidential Tax Records More rich, who, in many cases, have evaded their tax obligations or have not paid just enough. This issue has been one of the main topics on the BIden agenda, as the government seeks legal mechanisms so that taxes are not evaded.

Therefore, the Democrats and The White House have pushed mechanisms to confront tax evasion, among them the proposed law of the Infrastructure Plan, which seeks to be financed with the money collected from the richest and from the large corporations that operate throughout the country . But opponents have been reluctant to give in to make this possible even though the strategy could benefit millions of Americans.

Following what happened with the ProPublica report, Opposing legislators can not only reinforce their resistance to the eventual tax collection of the richest, but they are already raising their voice, since they claim that what happened undermines the ability of taxpayers to trust the IRS for the fact that said information was made public, which is not authorized for dissemination .

The Republican position is not surprising, since publicly They have expressed that they do not agree with an eventual tax hike for those with greater wealth. They ensure that if there is a rise in the tax rate large corporations could lose competitiveness , as well as jobs would also be lost, so what happened is only reinforcing the division between Democrats and Republicans.

According to The Hill, legislator Kevin Brady, a Republican member of the House Ways and Means Committee, stated that what happened with the release of the ProPublica report “is an astonishing breach of trust that should be of great concern to taxpayers ”, in his statement the Republican does not detail whether it will affect only the wealthiest or all citizens in general.

Despite the position of Kevin Brady, the ProPublica report only details that some billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk in in certain years have paid a minimum amount of federal tax federal tax on re rent, it is even stated that on occasions they did not make said payment to the Internal Revenue Service.

ProPublica also found that the richest Americans paid few annual taxes in comparison with your wealth gains, which is causing a tax deficit for America. The announcement reinforces the idea of ​​the Biden administration so that from Congress a tax reform is given .

Despite the revelations and the impact that it has caused in the political class and in American society, Republicans have already requested that the competent federal agencies take charge of investigating the issue, since they assure that this was possible through a leak, which is illegal based on the current laws.

The Republican members of the Senate Finance Committee in a letter sent to the Inspector General of the Treasury for Tax Administration stated that what happened “is worrying in light of the administration’s proposal to provide the IRS with a massive amount of funds for the collection of private and personal information from Americans about their checking and savings accounts. ”

The budget to which the group refers Opposition parliamentarian that is granted to the IRS from Congress will allow this body of the federal government to have the necessary tools to be able to make the corresponding charges to the richest and thus avoid that through lawyers the taxpayers evade their tax obligations. The issue of taxes on the wealthiest has generated tensions in both houses of Congress.

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