Wednesday, October 2

Carolina Sarassa confesses why she lives this second pregnancy between happiness and fear

As we told you, Carolina Sarassa is expecting her second baby , a little boy who will come to the world to keep his older sister Chloe company. We exclusively spoke with the journalist from Noticias Univision, Digital Edition, who confesses to us why he lives this second pregnancy between happiness and fear .

He also talks about his sister Sandra, the one who found out that she existed when she was a girl who just met the 27 years after looking for it so much. Today he chooses her to be the godmother of his second baby and, with tears, admits that he feels guilt for everything she went through and his older sister does not .

An interview full of truth and sincerity, of a Carolina like you’ve never seen her before.

– Was it something that they were looking or surprised?

Carolina Sarassa: I was actively searching since the girl turned 18 months. With Chloe the issue of pregnancy cost me a lot, because we lost one already advanced , so the issue of getting pregnant again, it was like another Once you go through that topic of getting your hopes up, when you see that little home exam, and then eventually time passes and nothing happens … It’s like I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I was very excited . Just buy a package that brings 25 pregnancy test. As I am still breastfeeding, this creates a condition in the woman, which causes the fertility level to drop to 6% . In December my husband had his birthday and we said: “ Well, let’s relax a little bit”, and I think the relaxed one worked , a month later I go to the doctor, and yes I She confirmed that she was pregnant … Super happy, but until about 3 months I didn’t want to get half excited because I didn’t want to go through that sadness again of being told: These pregnant and then oh no, no more …

Carolina Sarassa junto a su familia
Carolina Sarassa with her family. Photo: Blanca Telleria PR

-How do you go through pregnancies having that memory in your memory and in your heart?

Carolina Sarassa: I said to myself, a second baby surely I will already be an expert on the subject, and I will not be worried, but I am just as worried as with Chloé, every second I touch my stomach, and if it doesn’t move I’ll go and drink sugar water . Every time I go to the doctor I have a thousand questions pointed out, concern because I would love for my stomach to be, instead of skin like something made of glass so that one can see. Worried, anxious and grateful to God , as I still do not believe that he could have sent me that blessing of loving a boy as much as I love my girl. I am dying for Chloé Sofía, I give my life for her , and they say that the heart kind of enlarges , I can’t imagine loving two beings like I love this girl, so I’m happy but afraid.

– You grew up as an only child even though you have a sister, and your sister is going to be this baby’s godmother. Behind this story there is another story also of tests, of overcoming, which is like closing the circle in this decision you made.

Carolina Sarassa: Yes totally, I thought she was an only child until she was 7-8 years old They had never told me anything, in fact my parents always talked about adopting a little sister in Colombia because I was a single child. Suddenly, I come home from school one day, and my mom and dad tell me that they wanted to talk to me, that I had a sister … I thought my mom was pregnant, my sister had 18 years, it was Sandra who had called from Spain looking for her dad .

My dad was previously married and when my sister turned 12 years he quarreled with my sister’s mother, and In an argument they had, he left the country, he went to Germany and he did not know anything about his daughter because of 16 years. She was always told that her father had died , the 18 they tell him the truth, that my father is alive, that his name is Gustavo Sarassa and that he lives in Colombia, so through the pages he found the house and it was that he called. My sister appeared and gave us a lot of emotion …

Carolina Sarassa junto a su hermana Sandra
Carolina Sarassa with her sister Sandra. Photo: Blanca Telleria PR

-Why was there no meeting at that time?

Carolina Sarassa: We were very bad economically, at that time my father had lost his job, in my house we were selling everything, we sold the radio, the dining room, my bicycle, We were moving to a smaller house and my father could not travel to Spain . She was pregnant at the time, she was getting married, and she wanted my father to go. He was under that pressure of either I give food to my girl from Colombia or I know my other daughter, and it was not . When my sister didn’t go, she got upset and again she disappeared and we never heard from her again. When I turned 21 years, I I graduated as a journalist and worked for the beach communications office in Miami Beach, and this story of my sister was told to whoever she could with the illusion that someday someone could help me. I told a boss about it. He told me: “ Look, I have a friend who is a policeman in Barcelona, ​​and he could find out ” … There is a girl with a surname Sarassa who has a little bar on the outskirts of Barcelona, ​​I’m going to give you her address and you write … I love writing, I started the letter: “Hi, I’m Carolina, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to write you but I think I’m your younger sister ”…

– Did you answer?

Carolina Sarassa: Several weeks passed and she called me, she didn’t want to know nothing from my father . I was able to travel and I went to Spain to meet her, she is already a big woman, with two children, I was like my father’s ambassador so that the two of them could talk. Finally, about 7-8 years ago she decided Coming here to the United States, to Los Angeles, and my father we surprised him , we turned off the lights in the house and when my sister arrived we said: “Dad close your eyes” … My sister was there and his little girl who was born, then he met his daughter and he met his granddaughter who has Down Syndrome, and I think that girl has brought the family, softened my sister’s heart. Hence We have had a relationship, but he lives in Spain, and I live in the United States , and obviously the issue of the pandemic, it is not so easy to say I am going to Spain for the weekend.

El reencuentro de toda la familia Sarassa
The reunion of the entire Sarassa family. Photo: Blanca Telleria PR

-Why your baby’s godmother?

Carolina Sarassa: My sister in one way or another has felt like: I had my dad, she didn’t have him, I know a Gustavo who is a man, affectionate, kind, She does not know him , so like that she is the godmother of my son, that she feels part of what she is , in my house she has always There has been a photo of her in the living room, but she may not feel part of, so officially making her the godmother of my son, it is like closing, as you say, that circle.

– We saw you give the news in ‘Despierta América’, how was the after, how was that news or that acceptance in privacy?

Carolina Sarassa: She told me exactly what I thought: “ I did not know and wanted to make sure that there was a space for me in your heart ”… It was very nice To, she is a very serious woman, too serious, I am the opposite, but she does not tell you I love you, to give you a kiss you have to beg her, and as I saw an excited sister, I she writes every day, she asks me how the baby is, she gets involved with the name , we still don’t know how we are going to put her, very happy, in fact her other sister who is not my sister, I He wrote to tell me that he had not seen Sandra smile for so long, I am very happy, I want her to be the godmother and that my great nephew of 27 years be the godfather.

– How do you think be with these little brothers?

Carolina Sarassa: I want them to be very happy, I was a very painful girl, very withdrawn as a little girl, I don’t know how I do this job because I was dying of the pain of standing in front of a group of people , I think it has to do with the fact that my parents were excellent to me … I didn’t ask Let them be perfect, but be happy. With Chloé, everything she wants to be , if she wants to cut hair, she will surely be the best stylist, if she wants to be an engineer, she will surely come to NASA, but like to leave them very in of course they can be whatever they want to be, that I will always support them and that they are happy. The other day someone told me: “I got the best grades at school and I’m sure I already imagine Carolina that at school you’re going to ask me to bring you an A” … And you know not, I I prefer that the teacher call me and tell me: “I scolded your girl because the whole class spoke, but she had a great time and she got a B” . I suffer from everything, but the newscast is not perfect for me, I’m not happy, I don’t want them to be like that, because I think life goes so fast that you have to enjoy it , so part of what I’m doing is trying to change myself so that I can reflect that to them.

Chloe jugando con su mamá Carolina Sarassa
Chloe playing with her mother Carolina Sarassa. Photo: Blanca Telleria PR

-And they in the bond of little brothers?

Carolina Sarassa: I want them to be very close, to have what I did not have . I was always very excited to see those Christmas photos that were the father, the mother, the uncle, the aunt, and in my house we have always been, father, mother, dog, cat and me, as we have always been so small, well now with the issue of the pandemic, just us. How to have that support, my parents are like my other children, I take care of my parents in everything, and I would like to share that with someone else and I think that part of my illusion of having a second baby is that, that one in this country He is very lonely, I have my husband here in Miami, my parents and that’s it, and then tomorrow I missed and have someone I can always count on.

– Do you feel that you owe something to your sister, do you feel guilt?

Carolina Sarassa: Yes, a lot … If you tell me who Gustavo Sarassa is, for me he is the most affectionate man, the most dedicated man , the one who came to the United States to clean floors, to clean dishes, to have his arm burned in restaurants, to do whatever … I worked in a shopping center and he cleaned the shopping center and told me: “ No Carolina, don’t greet me if you feel sorry for her ”. How can I feel sorry for that wonderful man, I am proud of the man I have as a father! … She did not know him, so she missed a lot, he lost a wonderful daughter and she of a wonderful dad and as much as I tell her, how can she live through my experiences, how can she understand that.

Also at the same time as it is unfair that this man did so much for me, now, for example, I am talking with you and he has been there since 8 in the morning taking care of my daughter. Her children haven’t had that grandfather, so I feel like I had so much and she didn’t have that dad.

– What message do you want to give to Chloé and the child for when they see you, say: “Wow, look what my Mom said that day ”?

Carolina Sarassa: I want them to know that their mother loves them very much, I would give my life for them … My mother always told me when my head hurt: “I would give anything because it hurt me”, and I always thought how exaggerated And a lie, if it’s true, I would give anything for Chloé, for the child … I want you to know that I love you very much, that everything I do and stop do is for them, that s on my illusion, they are my reason for living, that I get up in the morning thinking about them, I go to sleep thinking about them , that Every story on the news now makes it difficult for me to work, because any story I see of a child that something happened to him immediately I have a lump in my throat and I have to disconnect because I think about them. Now my life is transformed, Carolina does not exist, I am the mother of Chloé and the child , it does not cause me to go with a friend to have a coffee on the corner, to It does not cause me to go on vacation without them, as I wait so long to have children that I already believe that what I had to do alone, I already did it, I already believe that I live, that I breathe for those two children and I want Always know.