Wednesday, October 2

Three California migrant families sue federal government over Trump separations

The parents allege that they and their minor children suffered damages by being separated due to the “zero tolerance” policy of the previous Administration

Tres familias migrantes de California demandan a Gobierno federal por separaciones de Trump
The little ones had 6, 11 Y 13 years old when they reached the border. (File)

Photo: DARIO LOPEZ-MILLS / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE

Three immigrant families who were separated at the border between the United States and Mexico in 2018 by the administration of the then president, Donald Trump, they filed a lawsuit for damages against the federal government.

Immigrant parents, identified as Joshua G. G, Erendira C. M, and Wilbur PG , residents of the Bay Area, Northern California , sued in this state the Government of President Joe Biden for the damage they inflicted on them and to their minor children to be separated at the border by the policy of ” zero tolerance ”, established by the Republican government (2017 – 2021).

In addition to searching for a compensation to compensate for the lifetime damage caused by the separation itself, the lawsuit seeks to hold the federal government responsible for other abuses that families suffered while incarcerated in immigration detention centers, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (LCCRSF), an organization representing the migrants.

The three families are Central American and entered the United States through Arizona in May 2018. As soon as they entered the country, the parents were separated “by force” of the small, 6, 11 Y 13 years old at that time, ” without prior notice or explanation ”, alleges the legal complaint.

Wilbur, Joshua and Erendira spent weeks detained in facilities without being able to speak with their children or receive information about them.

Hayden Rodarte, LCCRSF attorney, stated in a statement that “these three families endured dirty and overcrowded cells, inadequate food and water and little or no medical attention , all while they were separated from their children and under threats of deportation from government officials. ”

Even mishandling authorities in the supervision of minors after being separated from their The parents allegedly caused one of the minors to suffer “a sexual assault and other injuries,” the lawsuit asserts.

In the case of Eréndira, the Government initiated a criminal proceeding with the “ulterior purpose… to forcibly separate Eréndira and Yasmin (her daughter) in a way that dissuaded from seeking asylum in the United States ”, says the action

The organization representing the three families, together with the law firm Keker, Van Nest & Peters, highlighted that the legal complaint is supported under the Federal Law of Tort Claims (FTCA), which allows people to sue the U.S. Government for injuries committed by federal agents.

In this regard, attorney Christopher Sun , opined that “immigration agents are not above the law. His conduct violated federal law and that is what our clients will prove in court. ”

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