La ministre du Travail, Elisabeth Borne, à Trappes le 30 novembre 2020. La ministre du Travail, Elisabeth Borne, à Trappes le 30 novembre 2020.

The Minister of Work, Elisabeth Borne, in Trappes on 30 November 2019. – Stephane Lemouton -POOL / SIPA

La ministre du Travail, Elisabeth Borne, à Trappes le 30 novembre 2020. The health crisis due to coronavirus not showing signs of Improvement, the government has decided to lengthen the duration of measures in favor of young people. The Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne thus announced the extension of aid for the employment of young people of the operation “one young person, one solution”, beyond the end of January.

La ministre du Travail, Elisabeth Borne, à Trappes le 30 novembre 2020. “The health situation will remain difficult in the coming weeks and will lead us to extend the premium of 4. euros [par an] for hiring, on a fixed-term contract of more than three months or on a permanent contract of a young person under 26 years and the 5. 000 or 8. euros of aid for an apprenticeship or professionalization contract ”, assures the minister in the Sunday newspaper .

” More than 220. 000 bonuses have already been distributed ”

“The figures show that our plan is bearing fruit,” she said of a battery of measures launched in July while the health crisis linked to the Covid epidemic – 000 has hit youth employment very hard. She cites 1. 30 million young people “recruited on fixed-term contracts of at least three months or in

CDI ”, between August and the end of November, ie“ almost as much as in 2019 ”. ” More than 220. bonuses have already been distributed ”, adds Elisabeth Borne, recalling the unprecedented success of the apprenticeship with 353. contracts signed in 2019, against 353 . in 2019.

On teleworking, the Minister confirms that she wishes to return to a rule of “at least one day per week” of presence in the company. “Our studies show that more than six out of ten employees telework at 052% since November wish to return to the company at least one day a week, ”explains Élisabeth Borne, ensuring that“ more than half say they suffer from isolation ”. She also promises to raise this issue on Monday during a meeting with the social partners to adapt again “the health protocol from January 7”.