Friday, October 4

The star of the soul and the earth, the chakras that few know

La estrella del alma y la tierra, los chakras que pocos conocen
Both chakras are in the auric field, outside the physical body.

Photo: Simon Rae / Unsplash

Most of the people who are familiar with the chakras know that are 7 main ones : the root chakra, the sacrum, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown. While they are the elementals, there are two others that are equally important, but few know: the soul star chakra and the earth star chakra .

These energy centers help us feel more connected with heavenly aspects and Mother Nature, respectively, and the good news is that, like the 7 best known, they can be balanced and strengthened.

Soul star chakra

The soul star chakra is not within of the body but in the auric field . It is located approximately 6 inches above the head , as described by the Astrology Answers site, and Its color varies according to the one that flows in our spirit.

This energy center connects our soul with that of the universe, represents the higher “I” or the part of us that exists inside and outside the physical body. Here metaphysical issues such as past lives and karma are concentrated.

The soul star chakra helps us on spiritual journeys and is the that allows us to open the mind, body and soul to divine concepts.

How to balance the star chakra of the soul

According to Astrology Answers, meditation and crystal or quartz healing are two of the most common ways to balance this energy center , however, he clarified that one of the most important factors is to ensure first that the other chakras work properly , mainly the crown chakra.

The goal of meditation as a method of balance of the soul star is to connect with our spirit, so it is important to establish our intention before starting the session. As for the crystals, it is recommended to use Kyanite, Selenite, Lepidolite, a clear quartz or Phenazite. Whichever you choose, hold it with your left hand and while meditating, shake it gently.

Star Chakra earth

This energy center is also not found in the body, but 12 feet below us . It is the one that connects us or roots us to the Earth. It is like an anchor for the rest of the body chakras and helps us maintain balance.

When the earth chakra is balanced we feel more stable, secure and we are filled with a sense of peace . It also helps us to have a deeper connection with the positive energy of the Earth and the universe, eliminating the negativity that is in us. People who have developed this chakra feel a stronger connection with nature and marvel at the majesty of the planet.

How to balance the earth chakra

Like the soul chakra, to balance that of the ground we have to make sure that the other 7 work correctly. A fun method is walking barefoot in nature and meditating outdoors . You can also help yourself with quartz such as Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper or Obsidian.

It may interest you: Where are the 7 chakras of planet Earth