Friday, September 20

Liam Husted's father, killed and thrown on a hiking trail in Las Vegas, mourns his son from San Jose, California

Padre de Liam Husted, asesinado y lanzado a ruta de senderismo en Las Vegas, llora a su hijo desde San José, California
Patrols of the Metropolitan Police Department of Las Vegas. This department works with the authorities in San José, California, to clarify the murder of Liam Husted.

Photo: Ethan Miller / Getty Images

At a vigil in a park in San José, California, the father of 7-year-old Liam Husted, who was allegedly killed by his mother, said that the child did not deserve to die that way .

“He didn’t deserve any of this,” Nicholas Husted said tearfully yesterday on the ceremony in La Colina Park .

“And that’s what I want him to know … that he was a good boy and that he did nothing wrong “, added the father as quoted by ABC 7.

“And his daddy loves him very much,” continued Nicholas.

The vigil was held in the park as it was one of the child’s favorite places , whose remains were found on 28 May on a hiking trail in Mountain Springs, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Liam was officially identified this week after a family friend recognized him in the digitally enhanced images. entity disclosed by the authorities.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is working in coordination with the San José Police Department to clarify the case.

“Look how many people love you,” said the father as if little Liam were in front of him.

“This was his second home,” added the father to relatives, friends and members of the press who attended the remembrance event.

“All the time … every day … here,” said Liam’s godfather, Michael Velasco. “This is the park he liked to go to.”

Father last saw his son on the night of 23 May

According to the father’s account, the last time he saw his son It was May 23, the night before he left for work.

“Normally, I slept with him, and on Sunday I didn’t. Normally, I am with him in bed, I hold his hand and I did not. This is the kind of thing that will never come back, “said the man who described his son as a naughty and intelligent child.

Samantha Moreno Rodríguez abandoned Liam’s father

Samantha Moreno Rodríguez, mother of the small and main suspect in the murder, had left the house he shared with Nicholas to live elsewhere. The reasons for his decision are not clear.

“I’m sorry I had to have done this in this way,” indicated Moreno Rodríguez in a voicemail message to the father , which is not investigated in connection with the crime .

At first, the father did not think that Liam would be in danger with his mother.

But on June 1, he decided to contact the Uniformed to alert them of the situation.

The 24 in May, the woman traveled by car first to Southern California and then to Nevada, according to the information handled by the authorities. The suspect was also seen traveling in the same car days after Liam’s lifeless body was discovered on the hiking trail near the Mountain Springs Trailhead, west of Las Vegas.

Moreno Rodríguez was arrested this Tuesday at a hotel in Denver, Colorado , in the company of an unidentified man .

The woman would be extradited to Las Vegas to face the charges against her.

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