Sunday, October 6

What you should know if you date a zodiac sign that is not compatible with yours

There are couples who astrologically do not get along, but all is not lost. Here we tell you what to do if the sign of your better half and yours are among the least compatible

Lo que debes saber si sales con un signo zodiacal que no es compatible con el tuyo
There are couples who are not so compatible in love.

Photo: Vera Arsic / Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

The objective of a date is to find out how much we like a person and if things go well we start a relationship. But

One of the most recurrent queries in astrology it is The compatibility of signs. The zodiacal calculators of love are a guide that can help us discover if we are likely to “click” with a certain sign, but not everything is said.

To know what We are so compatible with another person, a number of things are needed that can be discovered by combining the birth chart of the two, which can only be analyzed by experts in an astrological consultation.

But there are combinations of signs that are a challenge in love . In an article on, they outlined which Zodiac couples are the least compatible, but they offer us some advice if we are already in a relationship with an incompatible sign.

Cancer and Leo

The emotional crab is not compatible with I read because the latter is too harsh. A relationship between the two is challenging because Cancer tends to prioritize the needs of others over his own and Leo wants to be the center of attention, that is, the balance tips to only one side. However, can overcome their differences if they learn to communicate well .

Libra and Gemini

There is a natural attraction between the two signs, as they are lively and outgoing. But when they are in a relationship, Libra wants to have their own space, which Gemini is unwilling to give them and could make them feel suffocated. To solve their incompatibility, each one must be empathetic and reach a point of agreement .

Pisces and Scorpio

Both have different values ​​in life. Pisces will want to be with Scorpio at all times and Scorpio, in turn, will move away because he wants to feel that he is in control of his life. If each can understand their own needs and those of their partner, they can come to a happy agreement .

Sagittarius and Taurus

Sagittarius is a free-spirited sign that likes the unknown, in contrast, Taurus prefers safe spaces. Although they are not compatible, the solution is very simple: should only find a middle point .

Aries and Virgo

Both are stubborn and when it comes to making plans they never reach agreements. Virgo sometimes wants to be open to new ideas, but Aries wants to remain firm. If Virgo Aries approaches the spontaneous side and let Aries Virgo take a little up front, they can monitor each other .

It may interest you: Zodiac signs that have karma in love: they always choose the wrong person