Friday, September 20

Young went to a country concert in San Antonio knowing he had tested positive for COVID-19

Joven se fue a un concierto de country a San Antonio sabiendo que había dado positivo de COVID-19

The concert was held in San Antonio. File photo.

Photo: / Pexels

TEXAS – A young woman from a South Texas county did not mind having tested positive for COVID – 19 and went to a country music concert at a popular San Antonio nightclub, putting other people at risk who attended the event.

A Val Verde County judge released the information to alert the community after the young woman attended a concert despite being infected.

The country music concert the young woman attended was held at the Cowboys Dancehall nightclub and according to Judge Lewis Owens there are now hundreds of people who They may have unknowingly contracted the virus.

Girl may have knowingly exposed hundreds to COVID – 19 at country music concert, Val Verde County Judge says

– KSAT 12 (@ksatnews) January 14, 2021

According to the authorities, the young woman tested positive for COVID – 19, but ignoring the result, he traveled to San Antonio to attend the event. The event was already under investigation by the authorities after images were revealed where it was seen that social distancing was not respected and There were people without masks.

The judge revealed that the young woman published images on social networks in which it is observed that she had the mask in her hand. In addition, when he returned home he lied to the authorities saying that he had left because of a fight with his mother. Hours later, she accepted his actions.

Judge Owens said that the young woman will receive an infraction and that she will soon reveal her identity so that the community finds out who she is. The young woman was reported by a person who knew her and knew that the young woman tested positive.

In Val Verde County if a person tests positive, they and everyone who lives in that house must be quarantined until the case is determined. discharge by the health authorities.

In addition, a violation of that rule is considered a crime and the person will receive an infraction that can result in a fine of up to $ 1 ,000 Or until 180 days in jail.

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