Friday, September 20

More beans and less white rice to reduce diabetes risk

Ditching refined rice and eating more beans favors your health, according to Harvard researchers

Más frijoles y menos arroz blanco para reducir el riesgo de diabetes
Beans are nutritious. have a low glycemic index, are low in fat, without cholesterol and with a low calorie content

Photo: Caio / Pexels

Researchers from Harvard recommend eating more beans, less white rice and less red meat to be healthier.

In one-period diet studies of 10 years found that people who increased the daily servings of white rice over time had a higher blood pressure and higher levels of sugar and harmful fats in the blood , warning signs of type 2 diabetes. Instead, those who ate More servings of beans than rice greatly reduced their risk.

Beans are one of the most nutritious and healthy foods that can be consumed on a daily basis and among so many benefits that can be Eden help prevent diabetes.

Who consume about three servings and a half per week of legumes such as beans, can reduce your risk of diabetes by 35 percent , according to studies reveal.

“The high content fiber and the low glycemic index , along with the high content of proteins of legumes, help prevent sugar spikes and drops not healthy foods that, if left unchecked, can lead to insulin resistance and uncontrolled diabetes, ”publishes Indiana University Health.

Why less white rice?

The Harvard Nutrition Source publishes that in studies conducted in the United States including about 200 thousand people it was found that those who ate five or more servings of rice white per week compared to those who ate less than one serving per month had a 17% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Unlike white rice, brown rice has a positive impact on health. Consuming two or more servings per week in comparison with less than one serving per month is associated with a reduction in 11% at risk of type 2 diabetes.

Why is white or refined rice unhealthy?

White rice is not considered a healthy carbohydrate as brown rice. The brown rice keeps its nutrients intact naturally. While the white rice is subjected to a process in which loses fiber and other nutrients.

Consumption of fiber is associated with a lower risk of developing various conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease and constipation.

The refined rice is polished to remove the bran layers and the embryo so that only the starchy white endosperm remains; hence the name “white” rice.

During the grinding and polishing process, most of the B vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber are removed. Later a part of the B vitamins and iron can be added again, but the fiber is gone.

Brown rice has a low glycemic index (GI) in 55 and white rice has an average GI of 55. A diet with higher GI foods is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of increased blood sugar levels after eating a food in

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