Sunday, September 22

Ben Affleck is photographed leaving Jennifer Lopez's house with a smile

The actor was caught by paparazzi Wednesday morning in his car after leaving the Bronx Diva’s home in Los Angeles. At first he was serious, but then he smiled

Fotografían a Ben Affleck salir de la casa de Jennifer Lopez con una sonrisa
Ben Affleck.

Photo: BAPTISTE LACROIX / AFP / Getty Images


Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are no longer hiding. Recently the actor was caught leaving the singer’s house and his expression gave much to talk about on social media.

The star of 48 years was photographed on Thursday with a huge smile on your car outside the mansion of the actress of 51 . He was in such a good mood that he didn’t mind the paparazzi taking snapshots of him from afar.


Smirking Ben Affleck leaves Jennifer Lopez’s house in the morning B

– Page Six (@PageSix) June 3, 2021

Ben’s visit to the home of the Bronx Diva happened just one day after they went on a romantic date Monday night. For a few days it has been speculated that the relationship between Ben and JLo is not accidental and they are thinking about a future together. Fans now have their eye on both big stars.

According to media information Page Six , during their dates they have been very romantic and he did not You can stop hugging her.

A few weeks ago the new couple took a romantic getaway to Miami and also went to an exclusive club in Montana. The same media reported that they both love going out for long walks together, swimming and spending a lot of time in the jacuzzi.

Jennifer and Ben dated between 2002 Y 2004, were one of the great couples of the artistic medium and were called “Bennifer” by fans. They were engaged, however their wedding was called off due to constant press harassment . Shortly after they announced their separation.

The couple met again at the end of April, after JLo ended her relationship with Alex Rodriguez and Ana’s breakup occurred. de Armas with Ben. Since they were first seen they have not stopped hanging out together and taking romantic trips.

Although the couple has not made it official, their fans are more than sure that they will continue to meet, because when they were together in the decade of the 2000 were practically made for each other.

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· The relationship between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck is not “casual” and they are already talking about a “future” together

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