Saturday, September 28

The gigantic sinkhole that appeared in Mexico extends and begins to swallow a house

The hole that emerged in the Mexican state Puebla continues to spread and part of a house has already collapsed in it

El gigantesco socavón aparecido en México se extiende y comienza a tragarse una casa
The great sinkhole that appeared in Puebla has already caused the collapse of part of the house on the edge of the hole.

Photo: Hilda Ríos / EFE

Maria Ortiz

PUEBLA, Mexico – The large sinkhole that appeared almost a week ago in the central Mexican state of Puebla continued to spread this Friday and caused the collapse of a wall and a bedroom of the house located on the edge of the hole.

This part of the address had been maintained suspended around 54 hours, but as a result of new landslides they were damaged the masonry and the walls, causing the partial collapse of the house.

With the last movements, the sinkhole increased its size by 3 meters until reaching a diameter of 97 meters (318 feet) and an approximate depth of 20 meters (65 feet) , according to local authorities.

In the following video you can see how part of the walls of the tunnel that continues to spread collapse:

UPDATE: # Socavón that appeared in # Zacatepec municipality by Juan C Bonilla # Puebla # CENAPRED has determined that it is highly possible that its origin is due to underground water flows

Its perimeter continues to increase, it is recommended to restrict the access.

– Geól. Sergio Almazán (@chematierra) June 4 , 2021

This Friday they arrived 10 researchers from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) to work in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment in order to initiate geophysical and ion work for determine what caused this earth fault.

Magdalena Xalamihua, owner of the house, assured that they have not received support from any government since the sinkhole appeared on Saturday. “It hurts a lot from so much sacrifice, we go hungry, the truth does hurt a lot, because we don’t know what will happen to us,” he told the media.

“We are hurt of the house that we are seeing that little by little and in pieces it is going to go to where everything ends ”, he added.

The family Sánchez lost, overnight, the long-awaited heritage that his HOUSE planned for a long time …. This is the story of # sinkhole in the “La loma” growing area 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝗿í𝗮 𝗭𝗮𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗰, Puebla

inf. and Movie camera @ ivanmaciasnews Iiu3

– Cta. of Former Monitor Employees (@ExMonitores) June 4, 2021

The detachment occurred on Saturday in a farmland in the municipality of Juan C . Bonilla, just over 20 kilometers from Puebla capital, in an area where there are only a few small and humble houses of the people who work the crops.

The hole originated with 5 meters in diameter (12 feet), in single 24 hours passed to 30 meters (98 feet) and since then it has not stopped growing.

The governor of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa, said on Monday that it is about a “matter of enormous risk”.

With information from EFE

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