Sunday, September 29

Sylvia Pasquel defends Michelle Salas's position after the end of Luis Miguel's series

The maternal grandmother of the model Michelle Salas has come out to support her after the uproar over the way the singer Luis Miguel was portrayed in her father’s bioseries

Sylvia Pasquel defiende la postura de Michelle Salas luego del final de la serie de Luis Miguel
Sylvia Pasquel

Photo: Mezcalent

Grys Valenzuela

Sylvia Pasquel He has taken his social networks to make clear his position and support for his eldest granddaughter, after the young woman spoke out in disagreement about the way they portrayed her in the singer’s bio series Luis Miguel .

Days after the last chapter of the second season of “ Luis Miguel La Serie “, has been the same Michelle Salas who has decided to make public his disapproval and deep annoyance at the way “ truly unnecessary, disrespectful and unfortunate ”The way I produced it tion decided to portray the wife and daughter of the Mexican interpreter.

Reason for which the Mexican actress has reiterated her support not only for Michelle but also for her other granddaughter Camila Valero , in a publication of his Instagram account where he has shared a photo with the women of his family, sends a strong message.

My girl Michelle, always remain true to yourself and do not let anything distract you from your goals, because the bigger the stones are in your path , the bigger you will build your castle

Pasquel continued encouraging her granddaughter not to give up and always look ahead, “ Always look ahead you will know that e so it is what I see when I look at you, a woman dressed with intelligence and dignity “, he continued writing.

Before finishing he sent him a message to all her girls ” “, ended.

Sylvia Pasquel’s words come after the strong message from Michelle’s own mother, the singer and actress Stephanie Salas , who almost simultaneously with the pronouncement of his daughter, made his rejection public, describing the whole situation as “reprehensible and bad taste” .