Sunday, September 29

Intestinal inflammation: 5 Harvard recommendations for meal replacement and bloating

Some changes in your diet they can help you fight inflammation; chronic inflammation is associated with multiple health problems, such as arthritis, heart disease, and even cancer

Inflamación intestinal: 5 recomendaciones de Harvard para reemplazar comidas y combatir la hinchazón
Fruits such as berries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects,

Photo: Lisa / Pexels

Alba Hernández

While talking about intestinal inflammation is common, inflammation does not only affect the intestines. Chronic inflammation can affect the entire body, has been linked to health problems such as arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and cancer.

“Researchers have long known that chronic inflammation in the intestine is related to colorectal cancer. However, they still do not know exactly why ”, explains the American Cancer Society.

Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s defenses against injury or infection, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) state that in this way it is beneficial. But inflammation is harmful when it occurs in healthy tissues or lasts too long , which is known as chronic inflammation, can persist for months or years.

Health experts have found that l dieting may influence inflammation. Following a diet in which the wrong foods are constantly consumed can accelerate the inflammatory disease process. But when anti-inflammatory foods are chosen instead, it can decrease inflammation and risk of disease.

The NIH notes that diets rich in refined grains, alcohol and processed foods can alter the intestinal microbiota and cause intestinal and immune changes. Red meats, fried foods and saturated fats as margarine is also consider inflammatory foods.

5 Food Exchanges Harvard Recommends To Fight Inflammation

1. Instead of a simple bread with cream cheese, opt for whole wheat toast with olive oil.

pan integral
Photo: Lisa / Pexels

Refined flour breads cause inflammation. Instead, whole grains promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut microbiota and help counteract inflammation. The olive oil is an anti-inflammatory fat which can help lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels.

two. Opt for a cup of green tea instead of carbonated soda or sugary drinks.

te verde
Photo: Pxhere

Tea is rich in polyphenols with antioxidant effects that control the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. Green green tea contains substances called catechins, a flavanol that is believed to fight inflammation.

3. Instead of a muffin, enjoy a handful of unsalted mixed nuts and an apple.

Photo: Marta Branco / Pexels

Walnuts provide healthy fats, proteins, and phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Fruits like apples provide fiber and also provide phytochemicals like quercetin, catechin, chlorogenic acid, anthocyanin.

4. Swap out the steak and baked potato, instead eat salmon with broccoli .

Salmon and sardines are among the richest sources of omega-3, healthy fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties that have been linked to better heart health . While broccoli is a very nutritious vegetable, a good source of fiber, rich in vitamins (C , E, K and folic acid) and also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals.

5. Replace the cake and eat a fruit salad with various types of berries.

Photo: Daria Shevtsova at Pexels

Berries are rich in vitamins and chemicals that can help prevent inflammation, particularly anthocyanins, flavonoids that have shown beneficial effects for the brain and heart.

In addition, the consumption of fruits can contribute to longevity and a lower risk of diseases such as diabetes .

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