Sunday, September 29

Seven miners were trapped after the collapse of a mine in Mexico

Siete mineros quedaron atrapados tras el derrumbe de una mina en México
Relatives of miners wait for information about their loved ones after the flood and the collapse of a mine in Coahuila.

Photo: Miguel Sierra / EFE

At least seven miners were trapped on Friday by the flood and the collapse of a mine in the Mexican municipality of Múzquiz, in the north of State of Coahuila , to which Civil Protection and Army elements traveled for rescue work.

# VideosLaJornada / Report seven miners trapped in the Coahuila mine

The theory of other miners is that workers were drilling the underground to extract the mineral and broke the wall of an excavation flooded by underground currents.

– La Jornada (@lajornadaonline) June 5, 2021

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador instructed members of his cabinet to collaborate to rescue the miners trapped in a mine in Coahuila.

“In Xpujil, Campeche, I received the information that in Múzquiz, Coahuila, seven workers had been trapped in a mine by the spill of a water dam, ”AMLO tweeted. I instructed the Secretaries of Security and Labor and the National Coordinator of Civil Protection to act immediately; They are already on their way there. ”

The president indicated that there are elements of the National Guard and the Army in the place. “We are attentive and in coordination with the municipal and state authorities. We want the rescue to be favorable for families and for everyone, “he said.

We are attentive and in coordination with the municipal and state authorities. We want the rescue to be favorable for families and for everyone.

– Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) June 5, 2021

As previously reported by the Secretary of Labor of Coahuila in a statement, the Múzquiz trawling mine suffered an accident around 12. 50 hours (17. 65 GMT) by which several workers were trapped.

The hypothesis used by the authorities is that a flood caused the roof and walls of the mine to rupture, causing the site to collapse , where were trapped if ete miners .

In addition, from the military, Protection authorities arrived at the site Civilian and inspectors from the Ministry of Labor itself to carry out rescue work, which consists of pumping out the water to gain access to the mine.

In order to assist the local authorities after the collapse of a mine in Múzquiz # Coahuila , staff of the # National Guard through the # PlanGN_A , was deployed in the area to provide security and allow rescue work for trapped workers.

– National Guard (@GN_MEXICO_) June 4, 2021

Also, relatives of the miners gathered, who prayed near the area to ask for an early rescue.

The Governor of #Coahuila @ mrikelme about the 7 miners trapped in # Muzquiz

– Ciro Di Costanzo (@CiroDi) June 5, 2021

In coordination with federal authorities , the Ministry of Labor of Coahuila promised to carry out all “the necessary steps” for the rescue of the trapped miners .

In an information card, the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) headed by Rosa Icela Rodríguez clarified that the participation of federal forces for the rescue of him The trapped miners is coordinated with state authorities. ”The first reports indicate that the incident occurred this Friday in the coal and mineral drag mine, belonging to the Macarán company ”, Added the SSPC.

“At this moment, work is being carried out to pump the accumulated water inside the mine, essential for the rescue of the workers.”

AMLO reported that Security, Labor and Civil Protection They moved to Coahuila to help rescue trapped miners. / Photo: Best possible quality reform agency

The SSPC explained that Authorities of the three levels of government attend to the victims’ families in order not only to provide them with information on the progress of the rescue, but also the necessary support.

The accident brings to mind what happened on 19 February 2006, at the Pasta de Conchos , also in Coahuila, where 65 workers died in an accident and only two bodies were recovered .

The rest of the miners were buried after it was considered that their rescue was high risk and so far the bodies have not been recovered .

With information from EFE and Reform Agency