Wednesday, October 23

Neptune in astrology: How the planet of dreams influences your zodiac sign

The eighth planet of the Solar System governs spirituality, dreams and fantasy. Learn how Neptune brings idealism and hope to your zodiac sign

Neptuno en la astrología: Cómo influye el planeta de los sueños en tu signo zodiacal
Neptune rules dreams and fantasies in the Zodiac.

Photo: Nasa / Unsplash

Miguel Angel Castillo

In our natal chart 10 planets grant traits to our personality . For example, the sun what we want, the moon what we need emotionally and Mercury what we think. Neptune is the one associated with dreams, spirituality, fantasy and idealism , that is why its ruling sign is Pisces.

The way How this planet impacts you depends on your location at the time you were born. For this it is enough consult your natal chart and find out what is your Neptune sign , when you meet him, see what his impact is on the Zodiac, according to an article in The Sun.


If your Neptune is in Aries it means that you are one of those who do not stop until you reach your goals, but your passion can sometimes lead you to not have your feet on the ground.


When Neptune is in Taurus it means that you want pure good things and you are not afraid to do what it takes to get them, however, it may take time to get to where you want.


Those who have Neptune in Gemini have the gift of conversation, which is why their power of conviction is in his seductive words.


If your Neptune is in Cancer it means that you are protective of the family and do anything for your loved ones .


Neptunes in Leo are sociable and glamorous. Their expression is so charming that they shine anywhere and are adored by all their friends. Virgo those around you. Neptune in Virgo indicates that they have clear approaches and attention to detail, so they never lose the compass to achieve their dreams.


Neptune in Libra indicates that you are one of the people who defend what they believe tooth and nail. Indicates extreme idealism, so they are good at discussing political issues.


The combination of Scorpio with Neptune is passionate . They are people with an investigative nature who do not stop until they get to the bottom of an issue: their mission is to be successful.


Neptune in Sagittarius has one goal in mind: to be the savior of the world. Here are the environmentalists, animal protectors and Samaritans.


If your Neptune is in Capricorn it means that your dreams are strengthened by ambition and work ethic. You may not be a natural entrepreneur, but you have the strength to climb any mountain.


Those who have Neptune in Aquarius are people who take their passion to high levels. They are not conformists and do not let anyone tell them that it is not possible. Everything is possible for them.


The sign that governs Neptune. It fills it with dreams and idealisms. Anyone who has this planet in Pisces is a natural peacemaker.

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