Wednesday, October 23

Elections Mexico 2021: when to vote and what to choose

This next Sunday, June 6, Mexico will hold one of the largest midterm elections in its history where more than will be able to vote millions of Mexicans , all registered in the electoral roll, who will be able to cast their vote at the polls.

According to the National Electoral Institute of Mexico ( INE), for these elections the Chamber of Deputies will be completely renewed with a total of 433 places, of which 300 will be delegations by the principle of relative majority and 200 by proportional representation.

In addition 16 states of the country will renew governments, which are: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chihuahua, Colima , Guerrero, Michoacán, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tlaxcala and Zacatecas.

Also in several states will vote for 30 local congresses; Only in Mexico City will they be renewed 16 mayors and 67 councils.

Elecciones en México 2021
Mexico will completely renew the Chamber of Deputies (Photo: Reform Agency).

What will be chosen by each state in Mexico?

Aguascalientes: 30 deputations and 12 municipalities

Baja California: Governor, 25 councils and 5 municipalities

Baja California Sur: Governor, 21 councils and 5 municipalities

Campeche: Governor, 35 councils, 13 municipalities and 22 municipal councils

Chiapas: 41 councils and 124 municipalities
Chihuahua: Governor, 33 councils, 67 municipalities and
Mexico City: 66 councils and 16 mayoralties

Coahuila: 38 presidencies municipal, 76 receipts and 400 regidurías

Colima: Governor, 25 councils and 10 town councils

Durango: 25 councils

Mexico state: 75 councils and 125 municipalities

Guanajuato: 38 councils and 46 town halls

Guerrero: Governor, 50 councils and 80 municipalities

Gentleman: 30 councils

Jalisco: 40 councils and 125 town councils

Michoa can: Governor, 40 councils and 112 municipalities

Morelos: 20 councils and 33 municipalities

Nayarit: Governor, 30 councils, 20 municipalities and 138 regidurías

Nuevo León: Governor, 42 councils and 51 town councils

Oaxaca: 41 councils and 138 town councils
Puebla: 40 councils and 217 municipalities

Querétaro: Governor, 25 councils and 18 town councils

Quintana Roo: 11 municipalities

San Luis Potosí: Governor, 27 councils and 58 town councils
Sinaloa: Governor, 40 councils and 18 municipalities

Sonora: Governor, 33 councils and 67 town councils
Tabasco: 35 councils and 17 town councils

Tamaulipas: 36 councils and 43 town councils

Tlaxcala: Governor, 25 councils, 60 municipalities and 299 community presidencies

Veracruz: 51 councils and 212 town councils
Yucatán: 25 councils and 106 town councils

Zacatecas: Governor, 30 councils and 60 town councils

The National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE) also made the website https: // where you can consult the names of the candidates and political parties and their coalitions.

What will the election day be like on Sunday, June 6, ?

The election day of Sunday, June 6 of 2021 will begin with the installation of more than 153, 800 boxes in the 32 states of the country.

At 8: in the morning, Central Mexico time, will open almost llas where citizens can cast their vote until 18: 00 hours, time of closing.

For his part, the President Counselor of the National Electoral Institute of Mexico, Lorenzo Córdova, will give three messages to the nation on the national chain:

Message 1, 12 : 02 hours : Information about the installation of the boxes.

Message 2, 18: 00 hours: Information about closing l as boxes.

Message 3, 22: 00 hours: Information on the Quick Count of the election of federal deputies and OPLES report on elections governor in 16 state.

How can I know in which box I have to vote?

The National Electoral Institute made available to Mexicans the website so that Mexican citizens can know the address of the polling place where they have to vote.

To know the address of the box, follow these steps:

Step 1: Enter the website ht tps: //

Step 2: Select your state from the drop-down menu

Step 3: Enter the corresponding section number found on the front of your official INE ID

Step 4: Check the address of the box where you vote

Citizens in Mexico will choose 15 governors on Sunday, June 6 (Photo: Reform Agency).

Voting from abroad

On Saturday 22 May at 18: 00 hours, Central Mexico time, began voting electronically for Mexicans living abroad , older than 18 years old, through the Internet Electronic Voting System (SIVEI).

Through this system , the 21, 585 Mexican nationals residing abroad may vote to elect nine governorships, one migrant council and one more proportional representation up to the 18: 00 hours of Sunday, June 6, the day on which the elections in Mexico.

Those interested in voting may obtain more information through the website , or call the following numbers:

From the United States free of charge: 1 (866) 986 8306

From other countries collect: + 52 ( 55) 5481 9897

From Mexico free of charge: 800 500 2000

Also on the INE portal 2021 / Citizens will be able to check the box where they should vote on June 6, 2021 in addition to your address.

Continue Reading: AMLO assures that Mexico is at peace and without risk of instability towards the elections of June 6