Thursday, October 24

AMLO assures that Mexico is at peace and without risk of instability towards the June 6 elections

Mexico is at peace and there is no risk of instability, assured the President of Mexico, Andrés López Obrador , a few days before the midterm elections of June 6.

I just to demonstrate to the people of Mexico and I do it as always, in a responsible way, that e The country is at peace, there is governance, there are no risks of instability. We are facing the scourge of violence every day and we can speak of peace and tranquility in the country. ”

After being questioned about the wave of violence that has claimed the lives of candidates during the electoral campaigns that conclude today, the Mexican president insisted that in the country is living an atmosphere of tranquility .

“It is not in good taste to compare with what is happening in other countries that, by the way, nothing is known because our adversaries It is not in their interest to let people know about what happens in other places where there is instability ility, confrontation, there is political violence and in Mexico no, we have achieved that together, “he said.

And no matter how much they want to magnify, it does not obey reality. As the song by Pablo (Milanés) says, we do not live in a perfect society but there is peace and there is tranquility in the country, everywhere there is tranquility, there is peace ”, he reiterated.

From the National Palace, the Mexican president assured that yesterday, Tuesday in the country there were no homicides registered in 18 states and only there was 57 throughout the country, a figure lower than the average recorded between 80 and 90 newspapers, he pointed out.

“It is being magnified, before it was called sensationalism, and then it began to be called yellowishness,” he said from his morning conference.

The Mexican president asked the media not to question him about the elections because the electoral ban is maintained and it is not allowed to talk about pro social programs until after the voting.

“Today at 12 at night the campaigns, then you can no longer deal with issues by the candidates and the parties can not campaign. In the case of us the same, tomorrow they are issues that have to do with health, education, informational issues, what we always do is inform, but ask them again not to discuss the issues here even if I do not respond. If you treat them, they are listening to them, they are seeing them, it is not to brag but millions of people, we are going to wait ”, he said.

This Sunday 6 of June, Mexico will hold midterm elections where the Chamber of Deputies will be completely renewed (500 places or seats); 15 Governments; 30 local congresses; 1900 town halls and municipal councils.

Also today Wednesday, June 2, at midnight, the campaigns conclude elections and initiates an electoral ban of 3 days where it will be forbidden to address electoral issues until Sunday 6, the date on which the voting will take place.

Continue Reading: AMLO calls to vote without fear in the elections of June 6 in Mexico and to assert democracy without violence