Friday, September 20

Uruguayan Academy of Letters protests the punishment of Cavani for “racism”

The Academy points out that the FA “has committed a grave injustice” and has exposed “ignorance and deliberate error of the uses of the language and in particular of Spanish

Academia de letras uruguaya protesta por castigo a Cavani por “racismo”
Cavani was sanctioned with more than $ 1200 thousand dollars and three suspension games.

Photo: Getty Images


The National Academy of Letters of Uruguay showed this Friday “its most energetic rejection” to the sanction imposed by the English Football Association on Edinson Cavani , Manchester United, for a comment on social networks that you have considered racist .

In a statement posted on its website, it assures that said penalty “warns about the poverty of cultural and linguistic knowledge that that Federation highlights to base such a questionable resolution. “

” As is well known, references to physical, moral or personal qualities of other people are used in all the languages ​​of the world for the creation of vocatives, that is, expressions to treat others. In some contexts these have a negative tenor and many times the same terms can be considered affectionate or friendly ”, explains the document.

The 29 of November , shortly after a comeback against Southampton, Cavani responded to a message from a supporter with the phrase in Spanish “gracias negrito”.

The player later withdrew that comment and posted a statement in which apologized and assured that opposes “absolutely racism.”

As the Academy explains, in Uruguay “you can hear and read forms like gordis, gordito, negri, negrito / a ” and the person who is treated with these vocatives” does not have than being overweight or having a dark skin color to receive them. ”

“ Cavani’s use of the bold voice to address “pablofer 2222 ”, a fan of the footballer, has this kind of affectionate tenor: given the context in which it was written, the person which was directed and the variety of Spanish that was used , the only value that can have bold – and in particular because of its diminutive nature – is affective ”, he says.

Finally, the statement points out that the FA “has committed a grave injustice” and has highlighted “ignorance and deliberate error of the uses of the language and in particular of Spanish, s in taking note of all its complexities and their contexts. ”

Cavani was sanctioned this Thursday with more than $ 100 thousand dollars and three games for your comment on the networks.

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