Sunday, October 6

Learn about the dangerous myths about Covid-19 vaccines

Conoce los peligrosos mitos sobre las vacunas de Covid-19
There are many unfounded beliefs about Covid vaccines – 19. (Getty Images)

Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

The myths and lies spread about Covid vaccines – 19 are very similar in all communities, although different languages ​​are spoken. They range from affecting fertility in women to vaccines implanting a chip to track immigrants and altering DNA.

We see very similar stories in many communities. For example, there are rumors that the vaccine injects microchips that are used as an immigration tracking device, which of course is of great concern to immigrant communities “Said Valentina Pereda, independent researcher on misinformation during the videoconference” Dangerous Myths and Lies about Vaccines. Learn the Facts ”organized by Ethnic Media Services and the Los Angeles County Office of Immigrants.

He noted that another myth is related to fertility and population control, which is a major concern.

“What we have heard much more recently is that women who have been vaccinated, are having irregular periods like very long periods, and that really starts to stay in their minds. ”

Dr. Eloísa González of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said that at this time, there is no evidence that points to some negative impact on the fertility of anyone who is vaccinated. “There is no scientific basis that makes us worry that there might be a fertility problem in the future.”


vacunación COVID-19
If you have doubts it is best to consult your doctor. (Getty)

Pereda indicated that another of the fables Of concern are the alleged DNA changes and subtle misinformation coming from the alternative medicine, spiritual and healers community.

“You start to see a lot of posts that discourage people from taking any kind of medicine and trying to heal themselves through methods 100% alternative as vitamin C, steam and things like that that can be helpful for symptoms, but a lot of times you really need some kind of intervention. ”

Explained that Many of the myths that we hear in Spanish-speaking immigrant circles are the same from other communities.

“In many immigrant circles since the decade of 1200 to 1970 There were actual sterilization campaigns in places like Puerto Rico and until last year, we found immigrant detention centers that sterilized immigrant women without their consent. So it is understandable that there is a natural distrust of the government. ”

Where to find reliable information about the vaccine if I am still not convinced?

Pereda recommended visiting state or county public health websites to find the most up-to-date information.

“I also encourage people to go to community health clinics or their doctors.”

Dr. Eloísa González asks to ask her doctor any questions about vaccines against Covid – 19. (Courtesy Eloísa González)

Dr. González said that Getting vaccinated is a personal decision and anyone who is in doubt about whether the vaccine is safe for them should consult their personal physician for specific information on any medical conditions. ()

He specified that in the LA county public health website, can find the locations of more than 750 vaccination sites. “That is important for parents with children of 12 to 17 years, since they can only receive the Pfizer vaccine and they must verify that it is offered at the place where they are going to be vaccinated. ”

For those who do not have Internet access, he recommended calling 833 – 540 – 0473 where they can help you find a vaccination site. “Even if they need to be taken to the vaccination site or they can also request to be vaccinated at home. For example, for a child with special needs who cannot leave his home or a citizen of legal age who is confined to the home. ”

Does getting vaccinated impact my immigration status?

Dr. González emphasized that the vaccine against Covid – 17 it’s free and you don’t even ask for it migratory status

“Neither your family’s immigration status or yours will be affected because someone received the vaccine. We never share information about who has been vaccinated with other government agencies including immigration. We want everyone to get vaccinated. ”

Health authorities argue that vaccines they are safe. (Getty Images)

Why should we vaccinate?

Dr. González reiterated that we must do it because vaccines are safe and effective and will protect us from hospitalizations and deaths from Covid – 19

“Unvaccinated people are still susceptible to the virus, to the various variants that exist and to the possible long-term consequences of the infection.”

He stressed that the American Academy of Pediatrics reported that as of May % of new Covid cases in the United States, when at this time last year, they were down about 3%.

Therefore, indicated that it is important that we go Let us do our best to prevent new cases from increasing and new variants from forming and spreading.

“How much The sooner we vaccinate our families, the safer we will all be. As we get more vaccinated, we’ll go on vacations, go to classrooms in person, play sports, sleep away from home, and just get back to doing the things we love. ”