Monday, October 7

Dreaming of a natural disaster: 8 possible meanings

When you dream of an earthquake, hurricane, tsunami or even the end of the world, it has a different meaning. Here we tell you 8 interpretations of dreaming about natural disasters

Soñar con un desastre natural: 8 posibles significados
Natural disasters represent emotional states.

Photo: Shashank Sahay / Unsplash

Miguel Angel Castillo

Natural disasters are events that often cause anxiety because they are unpredictable and leave destruction in their wake. When we dream of an earthquake, hurricane, tsunami or that a meteorite falls and causes the end of the world, it does not mean that we are being warned that it will happen , they are the response to life events.

These types of dreams are metaphors for our state of mind, for example, a rain could represent sadness or a sunny day reflects that we have a positive attitude . In this way, a severe natural event, such as a tornado, represents that something is disturbing us, as explained in

To have a slightly more precise interpretation Attention should be paid to the type of natural disaster we dream of. Here we tell you 8 possible meanings.

1. Dreaming of a hurricane

Represents the approach of events in life that disturb our mood , such as an argument with a partner or a work problem. Whatever the complication, it means the need to “clean up” the mess that has caused that problem.

two. Dreaming of a tornado

The powerful gusts of wind symbolize great changes , so this dream is a response to major transformations that alter our sense of security, plans, goals and hopes such as the loss of a job, a forced move or abandonment to ourselves.

3. Dreaming of a tsunami

This dream usually represents an emotional problem that may have their origin in events of the past. Probably something shocking happened in your childhood and to this day it continues to disturb you. The tsunami represents repressed feelings that need to be addressed and clarified.

4 . Dreaming of an earthquake

It means that something in our life is collapsing. Many times this dream occurs when we are going through financial difficulties ; it is a way of saying that our finances are not stable. It is also a response to shocking events such as deaths of relatives or world news.

5. Dream of a flood

Represents emotional overload and location where it occurs will be key to finding the area of ​​attention. For example, a flood in the kitchen represents pain and sadness in the heart; in the bedroom problems in relationship and sexuality; family or friends tensions in the room.

6. Dreaming of a volcanic eruption

It is a metaphor for someone who lost their cool . You are ready to explode because of the anger that you have built up and have suppressed for too long. Likewise, they can have a sexual connotation if you dream that you are walking through hot lava.

7. Dreaming of a meteorite, comet or asteroid

It symbolizes that you live a new era . Perhaps you experienced a spiritual or consciousness evolution and this dream portends that your inner growth will change your life completely.

8. Dreaming of the end of the world

This dream represents a loss of a friendship, the couple, a divorce or some heartbreaking situation where hope fell apart. However, it also represents liberation.

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