Friday, September 20

AMLO will bring the issue of censorship in Social Networks to the G20 table; freedom of expression must be guaranteed, he says

“There cannot be a particular body that decides to take away the right to free expression of ideas,” says the Mexican president

AMLO llevará a la mesa del G20 tema de censura en Redes Sociales; la libertad de expresión debe garantizarse, dice
The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will raise the G 20 issue of censorship in Social Networks.

Photo: Reform Agency

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced that he will lead to the next meeting of the G 20 the issue of censorship in Social Networks.

“I anticipate that the first meeting we have of the G 20 I will make a statement on this matter. If Social Networks should not be used to incite violence, all that, but that cannot be a reason to suspend freedom of expression. It should not If it is used as an excuse, freedom must be guaranteed, not censorship, ”said the Mexican president.

The Mexican president brought up the issue of the action of Social Networks, then that Twitter, Facebook and YouTube suspended the accounts of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, after the riots in the Capitol.

“What I consider is that there cannot be a particular body that decides to take away the right to free expression of ideas. There cannot be a particular body, I consider in any nation, in any national state, that becomes an organ of censorship. Freedom must be guaranteed. If there is any regulation, this corresponds to the national states, it cannot be left in the hands of individuals, ”he reiterated.

López Obrador pointed out that his approach to censorship in Social Networks has already had an echo in other nations of the world.

There are already other governments that have expressed themselves, such as Chancellor Angela Merkel , who expressed concern about these measures, or the French Government and the European Union , “said in his morning conference from the National Palace.

For his part, the Secretary of Relations of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, said that there is a worldwide disagreement on censorship in Social Networks, in addition to pointing out that the Mexican Government has already maintained contact with the governments of Germany, France and “many of the European Union”, to talk about the position of the Mexican president.

Immediate amente we have had contact with governments that we think the same, the instruction we have is to establish contact with all and all to work a common proposal … Not supported that certain companies or groups decide who has the right or not, what you want is to protect freedoms, “said the Mexican Foreign Minister.

In past conferences, López Obrador raised the possibility of creating a social network in Mexico whose purpose would be to guarantee freedom of expression.

Continue Reading: “The Statue of Liberty in New York is turning green with anger,” says AMLO about “censorship” of Social Networks to Donald Trump