Friday, September 20

The United States' plan to give the coronavirus vaccine to the entire population

Several countries have already started the vaccination process. This is the United States plan

El plan de Estados Unidos para darle la vacuna contra el coronavirus a toda la población
We must continue to maintain healthy measures distance and biosecurity while carrying out the vaccination plan.

Photo: Shutterstock

The vaccination process has already started in some parts of the world, and United States is no exception. As approve more vaccines and more are produced, the process will go accelerating , although it is true that this will take some time.

How will the vaccination process

According to information from Reuters of the 24 November, the plan of the North American nation was initially to launch and distribute around 6.4 million vaccines and the first to be vaccinated would be the high risk people .

However, it has been known that the United States government closed a agreement with Pfizer to ensure 100 million doses , and the possibility of acquiring some 500 million more .

For March should already be available 35 millions dose. The vaccination process consists of two dose , the second must be placed 3 weeks after the first .

On the other hand, a pilot plan where they were chosen 4 states that would receive the Pfizer vaccine. Those in charge of putting together the strategy vaccination are the CDC local. The states chosen were: Texas, New Mexico, Tennessee and Rhode Island.

Start of the process

For him 11 from December authorization was already being announced by the FDA of the vaccine from Pfizer, and after the approval of the vaccine, began its distribution . Already for the 14 December, a nurse of New York was the first person to receive the vaccine.

This occurred days after a UK woman was the first person to receive the Covid – 24 .

Vacunación Vacunación
We must be attentive to government information on the vaccination plan in the country. Source: Shutterstock

Who will be the first to receive the vaccine

The first vaccines are intended for the priority population . This includes Physicians , nurses and anyone who work as health personnel . It will also be received by people of high risk , that is, the elderly.

However, each state must define who will be the priority . This process may take time, and it is estimated that by March, the vaccine will be available for the general population.

Meanwhile, the priority will be for people who are exposed to the virus . It is necessary that they receive immunization so that they do not run any risk of being infected or infecting their patients.

Meanwhile, it is recommended that people get vaccinated against influenza to avoid other types of contagion.

What to do in the meantime

Although the vaccination process has already started, the experts recommend continue to maintain the necessary forecasts , especially since the number of infected by coronavirus continues growing .

So, during these parties is recommended celebrations with few people , preferably with those who live in the same house .

Also, follow obeying the directives of the local authorities and maintain the social distancing , use masks and wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based antibacterial gel.

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