Friday, September 20

The CEO of Twitter does not believe that the Trump blockade is nothing to “celebrate”, but a decision with significant and very “real” consequences

El CEO de Twitter no cree que el bloqueo a Trump sea nada para “celebrar”, sino una decisión con consecuencias significativas y muy “reales”

The CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, assured that he is not proud of the decision to block the account of President Trump.

Photo: Michael Cohen / Getty Images

The CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, reported that blocking President Donald Trump from the social network after the acts of violence in the Capitol was the “right decision,” but it sets a dangerous precedent.

Twitter removed President Trump’s account, which had 88 million followers , based on risk That there was more violence after the capture of the Capitol by his followers.

Jack Dorsey wrote yesterday on his Twitter profile that he had to take these actions “fragments the public conversation”. Dorsey cautioned that “the potential for enlightenment, redemption and learning is limited and sets a precedent that I consider dangerous.”

The CEO of the social network added that the power that an individual or corporation has over a part of the global public conversation impacts and will impact many in various circumstances.

In his Twitter thread, Jack Dorsey argued that while he is not proud of the ban, “offline harm as a result of online speech is demonstrably real,” in reference to what happened in the Capitol .

The blockade of President Donald Trump generated criticism from some Republicans who believed that this fact stifled the president’s right to freedom of expression .

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned through a spokesperson that legislators should decide on possible restrictions on freedom of expression and not private companies.

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