Friday, September 20

Alfredo Adame defends Gabriel Soto and attacks Laura Bozzo with everything

About the Peruvian, he said: “What can you expect from an ex-convict … accused of drug trafficking, of operations with resources of illicit origin, who had an arrest warrant from INTERPOL … “

Alfredo Adame defiende a Gabriel Soto y ataca con todo a Laura Bozzo
Laura Bozzo.

Photo: Reform Agency


Alfredo Adame recognizes the effort made by his sons Diego, Sebastián and Alejandro to get ahead, as their heirs together with their mother Mary Paz Banquells opened a home-delivery dessert business, which according to the actor is part of the training he gave them to know how to defend themselves in life .

“I taught them to work and to be productive men, I instilled in my children to be men of work, I always said it, I want to inherit tools, work, not money and those things. ”.

The actor is formally registered as a candidate for the District 14 with the Progressive Social Networks (RSP) party and does not give importance to his detractors and less to people like Carlos Trejo and Laura Bozzo.

“Anyone who speaks ill of me is because something burns. If you refer to the eastern animal of the ‘Grenache hunter’, what can you expect from a mythomaniac, alcoholic, drug addict, murderer, motorcycle and car thief ?, indicates about Carlos.

“What can you expect from an ex-convict who was rooted in a forum for four years, who was accused of drug trafficking, operations with resources of illicit origin, who had an arrest warrant from INTERPOL, a red card to be detained in 189 countries, that following the second altercation he had with me, I threw your program into the trash “, he expresses with respect to Laura Bozzo.

In addition, the Mexican shows his support for Gabiel Soto before the intimate video that was released of the actor. “ Gabriel Soto is a great person, he is a great protagonist of soap operas, he is a respectable man, he is a good friend, he is a good person and Well, what happened? That someone of those detractors, those bad people, wanted him to burn, but what happened ?; Well, the one who did it, the only thing he did was put on a ‘burn’ himself because Gabriel Soto can record himself as many times as he wants and you can play it as many times as you want “.

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