Friday, September 20

What zodiac signs are compatible as a couple but always break up

Have you been in a relationship with a sign compatible with yours and it didn’t work out? Astrology has an explanation

Qué signos zodiacales son compatibles como pareja pero siempre rompen
There are signs that are compatible in love, but they do not come to understand each other.

Photo: Vera Arsic / Pexels

There are zodiac signs that are astrologically compatible as a couple and despite having the stars in their favor, things do not go well and they end up breaking . Finding an ideal partner with whom to live romantic moments is difficult and the horoscope is of great help, however, it is only a prediction so it is impossible to guarantee a good association, explained astrologer Susan Taylor.

However, there seem to be signs that have great chemistry but they often fail . Why? In a article, Taylor revealed which signs are theoretically compatible in love, but their relationship never comes to fruition .

Also reads: Which women of the Zodiac cannot leave a toxic relationship

Aries – Leo

It is a couple that does not lack passion, there is intensity in bed and fun. They are similar personalities and their energy is reciprocal, but both are so proud that often their impulsiveness becomes their worst enemy and can cause the relationship to end.

Sagittarius – Libra

On an emotional level they are very compatible since both are communicative and patient in nature. They complement each other, the problem is when they want to take the next step: neither of them is encouraged by their commitment phobia.

Gemini – Aquarius

When these two signs come together in a relationship of love work well, they feel unique and isolated from the world. Their virtue is the great communication they achieve, but the fault is that they tend to hide their true emotions and do not express how they really feel.

Virgo – Capricorn

They are two intelligent signs and logical thinkers, so they are usually carried good. However, on the sexual plane they are usually cold and channel because they channel their energy towards work and personal projects.

Scorpio – Taurus

They are opposite poles that attract, mainly, on the sexual plane. However, they are both stubborn and jealous so fighting is a constant in the relationship. Conflicts and pride wear down your association and that connection that existed fades over time.

Pisces – Cancer

They are not signs that are characterized by their energy and spontaneity. Although they can achieve a great emotional connection, the relationship can fall into monotony and at some point it will break down.

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