Saturday, September 28

Lots of work, but low wages: Unemployment does not drop in the United States, despite the fact that it is the moment with the most jobs available since 2000

Based on official numbers, at this time 8.1 million jobs are available throughout the country, this figure represents the largest number of vacancies since a year 2000

Mucho trabajo, pero con salarios bajos: El desempleo no baja en Estados Unidos, a pesar de que es el momento con más empleos disponibles desde el 2000
Various sectors are finding it difficult to hire staff, mainly because the salaries offered are not attractive to Americans .

Photo: Jorge Macías / Impremedia

Luis Diaz

The economic recovery has not been able to crystallize in the whole country because the Americans They are not returning to the workforce despite the fact that millions of jobs have been opened across the nation . Several companies have even carried out different mechanisms to hire personnel, but they have not yet been able to fill their vacancies . .

Based on official numbers , at the moment there are 8.1 million jobs available throughout the country , this figure represents the largest number of vacancies since a year 2000. Despite the effervescence that is being experienced in terms of employment, citizens are not responding to calls to return to work.

Despite the fact that Republicans have been saying for weeks that Americans do not want to return to the world of work because they prefer state and federal unemployment benefits that give recipients $ 600 weekly, the jobs that are offered are not salary attractive for those who could aspire to these .

In his weekly analysis, financial columnist Rick Newman detailed that the jobs that are being opened appear to be paying less than what they paid before the pandemic broke out a year ago, “ which suggests that many workers actually refuse to accept poorly paid jobs ”.

According to Newman, Bank of America revealed that the average salary of the jobs offered is markedly lower than before the pandemic in 12 from 15 sectors. The salary increase has only been reflected in 2 industries and remained stable in one.

Based on Bank of America pre-pandemic figures, pay for jobs is more low by representing 5% less than the average of 2019. Thus, the largest drop in wages occurs in the retail sector , where the average salary of published jobs is a 21% lower.

Another of the sectors that have suffered from the downward wage trend is professional and business services, with a drop of at least 14%. On the other hand, the transportation item was not saved from the downward trend and had an impact of 12%.

In contrast, remuneration for job vacancies in the information industry, which includes many technology positions, increased exponentially, reaching 38% . This sector had an upward trend since before the pandemic.

In recent weeks companies such as Chipotle, McDonald’s, among others, announced a salary increase to attract the workforce to Americans, despite this Rick Newman, in his weekly analysis, expressed that despite the fact that there are increases in some companies, wages are still low based on the fact that the retail and service sectors are the worst paid .

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