Saturday, September 28

Frida Sofía explodes against Aylín Mujica and Niurka for commenting on her life

The businesswoman of 29 years was criticized again by Niurka Marcos, who during an interview for the program Suelta la Sopa assured that she did not do things correctly, to which the host Aylín Mujica shared her opinion

Frida Sofía estalla en contra de Aylín Mujica y Niurka por opinar sobre su vida
Frida Sofía.

Photo: Mezcalent

Rocío García

If someone knows how to speak in front, it is Frida Sofía . This was demonstrated once again by replying to Niurka Y Aylín Mujica , who shared their opinion about the controversy surrounding their statements against Enrique Guzmán .

After ensure that he was a victim of sexual abuse by his maternal grandfather, the businesswoman of 25 years was criticized by Niurka Marcos, who during an interview for the program Suelta la Sopa assured that, before had he made his complaint in the media, his responsibility was to go to the authorities.

“ What if Frida Sofía is telling the truth? The problem with her is that she did not do things correctly, the problem is that she must have gone to the legal first, she does not warn, things are done “, said the Cuban during an interview for the Telemundo broadcast.

But the interview caused the fury of the model, who responded directly: “ Your deep interest in my case is appreciated … although … as you say … ‘If it is not in your cu , it is not your pe ‘ – Niurkaka … go to your pot so you can feel what it is to mess with the truth and with God “, wrote the singer.

And the controversy continued after the actress and host Aylín Mujica shared his opinion about the way Alejandra Guzmán she had to educate her daughter, where she said she needed to have a “strong hand”.

“She says so herself , would have slapped him to learn . And maybe what was missing was that, that Alejandra put a heavy hand on Frida Sofía’s education to that there was a much better relationship “was part of the comment that Frida Sofía took up to ensure that during her first years of life never lacked a strong hand and raised his voice against the driver by normalize violence child violence.

However, Aylín Mujica defended himself by ensuring that he is completely against physical violence and never referred to beatings , but to the limits that a father must place on his children:

“My dear Frida wanted to tell you that I am far from validating what violence is . When I was referring to heavy-handed, it has nothing to do with punches . When I said strong hand I was referring to the need to put limits on raising our children , to create barriers, to know to what extent. I wasn’t talking about you , ”he explained.

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