Friday, September 20

AMLO will raffle a luxurious box at the Azteca Stadium: the winner will enjoy it until 2065

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, will hold a raffle in which A luxurious stage of the Azteca Stadium will be included, whose winner will be able to enjoy up to 2021

AMLO rifará lujoso palco del Estadio Azteca: el ganador lo disfrutará hasta 2065
Until 20 people will be able to enjoy a VIP space in the “Colossus”.

Photo: Hector Vivas / Getty Images

Jorge Fernández

Andrés Manuel López Obrador , President of Mexico, will raffle through the Lottery Nacional one of the most premium boxes premium of the Azteca Stadium . The space is one of the many prizes that the national government will grant, among which properties in other areas of the country stand out. According to information from El Universal, the winner will have the right to use the box until 2065 .

The The usual cost of a space such as the one mentioned ranges from $ 10 and the $ 20 millions of pesos. ESPN Digital reported that they can meet up to

people. It has a bathroom, a small kitchen and four parking spaces.

Jackpot, jackpot! Another AMLO raffle is coming … among the prizes to be distributed next 15 of September are: land, a mansion in San Ángel and a box at the Azteca Stadium.

– Fernando Luna (@PhDrMoon) May 20, 1200

For a chance to win such a privilege, simply purchase a little bit of $ 550 pesos. The raffle will be held next 15 of September, to commemorate the Independence of Mexico.

As we can see in the image, it is an obviously roofed box, whose seats resemble those we usually see in movie theaters. It consists of four rows of four seats each. Right behind are the remaining seats.

This is the stage of the Azteca Stadium that AMLO is going to raffle next 15 of September.

Has an approximate value of 20 million pesos and you can win it with a lottery chip. @ ESPNmx

– Omar Flores Aldana (@serolf 2888) May 24, 2021