Saturday, September 21

Israel and Hamas maintain ceasefire despite riots in Jerusalem this Friday

After 11 days of war escalation, late this Thursday the ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas with the intermediation of Egypt came into force .

Palestinians took to the streets to celebrate minutes after the truce went into effect. In Israel, the sirens that warn of the launching of rockets by Palestinian militiamen stopped sounding.

On the morning of this Friday, and although the ceasefire was maintained, riots broke out in occupied East Jerusalem , in the al Aqsa mosque complex.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told the AFP news agency that the Palestinians had thrown stones at the officers and that repression measures had been taken in response to “riots.”

Disturbios alrededor de la mezquita al Aqsa.
Israeli police said they had to act in the face of riots in East Jerusalem.

But the ceasefire seemed to hold on Friday night. Israel has temporarily opened a crossing into Gaza, allowing food, fuel and medicine to enter the territory. The country has also lifted emergency restrictions within its own borders.

Hamas called the truce a victory for its own. The same was noted by Israel, who spoke of a military campaign that had achieved “great achievements.”

In Egypt, the official press reported that the country will send a delegation to Tel Aviv and another to the Palestinian territories to monitor the al t or the fire.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Israelis and Palestinians now have a responsibility to engage in “a serious dialogue that addresses the causes of the conflict.”

Una mujer en un sitio dañado por bombas en Gaza
Most of the victims of the current conflict have been Gazans.

Clashes between Israel and Palestinian militants broke out in the past 10 in May, after weeks of tensions.

The Gaza Ministry of Health has reported what 232 people have died in Gaza due to Israeli bombings, while in Israel deceased .

In addition, many areas of Gaza have been reduced to rubble and there are some 120, 000 displaced, according to Hamas.

Israel says that about 4, 000 rockets have been fired into their territory by militants in Gaza since the conflict broke out.

Una batería antiaérea en Israel
Hundreds of rockets launched from Gaza into Israel have been intercepted.

One of the main triggers The conflict was the escalation of clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police in the Esplanade of the Mosques, a sacred place for both Jews and Muslims.

Hamas demanded that Israel withdraw the police from that place and the nearby district of Sheikh Jarrah , where the Palestinian families face eviction actions by Jewish settlers.

When their ultimatum was not heard, Hamas launched a rocket offensive. Israel responded with airstrikes on Gaza.

US President Joe Biden expressed appreciation to both parties for the ceasefire, as well as Egypt for their mediation efforts.

“These hostilities have resulted in the tragic deaths of many civilians, including children. I send my sincere condolences to Israelis and Palestinians, “he said in a message to the media from the White House.

Biden added that his country is committed to providing humanitarian aid and support for the reconstruction of Loop. But he also endorsed “Israel’s right to defend itself from indiscriminate rocket attacks by Hamas and other groups.”

International mediation

The ceasefire agreement came after Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations promote to at a negotiating table between both parties.

In a statement, Israel reported that different political and military officials accepted “ unanimously ” the initiative Egypt of “an unconditional bilateral ceasefire”, but limited itself to saying that “it will come into force at a later date.”

“The chief of staff, the military sector and the chief of the Shin Bet they reviewed before the ministers the great achievements of Israel in the campaign, some of which were unprecedented, “the statement said.

” The political sector emphasizes that the reality on the ground will determine the continuation of the campaign “.

On the other hand, a Hamas official assured Reuters that the ceasefire it would be “mutual and simultaneous.”

Ali Barakeh, a Hamas spokesman, told the Associated Press that the stop the fire is a “victory” for the Palestinian people and a defeat for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

He indicated that the militants of his organization would remain on alert until the mediators have contacted to finalize the details of the truce.

Palestinos en un hospital en Gaza.
The health situation in Gaza is worrying, according to the staff of Doctors Without Borders.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi ordered two delegations who are in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories to work to maintain the ceasefire, according to state television Egyptian.

Survivors do not claim victory

Analysis by Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor

As in the other wars fought since Hamas assumed power in Gaza in 2007, the two sides claim victory.

A senior Hamas leader told the BBC in Gaza that Israel had promised “to raise its hand for Sheikh Jarrah and the Al Aqsa Mosque.”

Israel rejected that reasoning. Benny Gantz, the Defense Minister, issued a statement saying that after the last 11 days, Israel can show “unprecedented military achievements and strategic significance for the fight” against Gaza’s militants .

On both sides, the survivors and those devastated by missiles and bombs are not claiming victory.

By far the majority of those killed and injured are Palestinians in Gaza, which also suffered hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.

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