Saturday, September 28

Alejandra Espinoza surprised by revealing that failure was her blessing

Alejandra Espinoza surprised by revealing that failure was her blessing and even a friend who took her to the path she had to take, although at the time she did not understand it.

As we told you, Ale has a podcast with his sister Damarys Jimenes, life coach, ‘Entre Hermanas’ … This week the presenter of ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ did it alone and revealed those failures that changed her life.

“The word sounds super harsh, difficult, a bit negative but here in this podcast I am going to show you that failing can be the best thing that can happen to you “… Ale began by saying, who just gave her that title ‘Failure’, because that word for her is more of a blessing than a curse.

” Currently I feel that There is great pressure from society to be successful, and not to be wrong, but from now on I tell you that we have all been in a bad moment at some point in our lives … What you consider a failure at this moment, tomorrow may be your great blessing ”, he continued saying.

Not failing that really makes you a failure because they have not tried, those who fail and fail must be applauded because they have tried … Many times we do not take risks for fear of failing, so that they do not think badly of us, so that they see us as failures, and we do things thinking about the eyes of others, do not stay with the desire to do things simply because they think you are a failure ” , said in the podcast where she was very passionate about the subject.

It is that Ale confessed that the ‘failure’ touched her several times in her life in her barely 34 years, is that even age worried her, until she understood everything she had achieved in such a short time and let herself flow.

“I am cr Istiana, I believe in God and I am a faithful believer that God has a purpose in my life, I have to try a lot, but if he does not want things to turn out they will not turn out so I have given a 200% … I’m aware of that, that’s why for me having faith in God I feel less pressured to achieve something, because I put it in his hands ”, she confessed.

After this presentation, she began to describe those failures that frustrated her at the time and made her wonder: ‘Why me?’, To later understand that what did not come out was the way to something better for her life.


“In the year 2006 I participated in Nuestra Belleza México, I wanted to be Nuestra Belleza México, I wanted to win. I represent Baja California and I lose … I went back to Mexico, super unsuccessful. Then there is the ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’, and I start to think: ‘if I had won Nuestra Belleza México, I would have been the representative of Mexico in the 2007, I would not have been able to participate in NBL , it means that I had not had that opportunity that changed my life. ”

Alejandra Espinoza in 2008 after winning Nuestra Belleza Latina. Photo: Getty Images


“When I won ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ it did not go very well for me in my year , because I was not ready … I thank God for everything, in the 2007 my reign is over, and to me they offer me to stay as a model of ‘Giant Saturday ‘, without underestimating the modeling work I thought: ‘I don’t want to be standing there showing a product’, I wanted to act, camera .

I accepted but at the time I did feel a failure, they gave me the golden opportunity that was to win and I failed, they are offering me the job of modeling where I don’t even have to speak … Today I work at ‘Sábado Gigante ‘It was the best thing that could happen to me, I learned so much … Working alongside Don Francisco, from the production, I would never have fallen into better hands in my life, they helped me… ”.

From left. to right, Ana Patricia Gámez, Greidys Gil, Melissa Marty and Alejandra Espinoza. One of them was excluded from Univision commercials. Photo: Univision


“In the 2009 I started modeling, got into an agency in Miami, and went to auditions. At first, when I went to the auditions and they didn’t catch me, I didn’t understand … Many months later I began to understand that it wasn’t that they didn’t catch me because I was not good, didn’t catch me simply because it wasn’t what they were looking for . After about 3 months I felt like a huge failure because I said: ‘I’m not good at photos, for modeling, not even for this’, and then I began to realize that you are simply not what people are looking for. ”

Alejandra Espinoza. Photo: AIMAE


“In the 2011, this is difficult to talk about because I do not have a level of healing, I had a loss . I got married in the 2011, I got pregnant and had a loss, at that moment I felt like a failure as a wife, as a mother, as a woman. However, I also realized, many years later, why God decided that this was not the right time for me, I had many experiences to go through. When my son Mateo was born, in the 2015, that year I was able to enjoy Mateo too much, in the 2009 I was starting my career, it would have been much more difficult “.

Alejandra Espinoza celebrated 4 years of Matteo. Photo: Alejandra Espinoza


“In the 2016 I started auditioning in Los Angeles for series and movies , I don’t know How many auditions have I done but I have done many… You feel like a failure because they don’t catch you in any of them . I have many conversations with my dad that are very wise conversations, he always tells me to do the auditions that are necessary and at any time the correct one arrives “.

Alejandra Espinoza. Photo: Mezcalent


You have to use mistakes as a source of learning, that things do not go unnoticed . Look what was the cause of failure … Also that we evolve with the things we do, that we dare to fail, one of the most effective ways to lose fear is to expose ourselves to everything that we are afraid of, if you are afraid to start a business do it, something small. ”

“ Apláudete your successes, your achievements and also when you fail, I did not get where I wanted but look at all the obstacles that I knocked down, okay, we don’t have to get there to the top if we are correct…. ”.