Sunday, September 29

Grant's whiskey distillery hires a dog to detect imperfections in their products

A dog works in a distillery to help keep control of the quality of the whiskey; the company has opted for the animal’s natural sense of smell instead of using mechanical “noses”


Rocco is a cocker spaniel who has been hired by a whiskey distillery in Scotland to sniff the barrels in order to detect any kind of imperfection in the wood of the oak barrels in which the drink is aged.

Dogs have a much sharper sense of smell than humans. That’s why one-year-old Rocco got the job at Grant’s, to sniff out the barrels and help maintain quality whiskey.

The distillery notes that Rocco’s job is to sniff out the quality of the casks in the cooperage

where artisans make wooden casks in which Grant’s whiskey will be protected and refined for years to come.

“When he finished verifying the quality of the wood in the cooperage, Rocco sniffed in the rest of the distillery to make sure everything goes according to plan , ”shared Grant’s.

It has also been indicated that the sense of smell of a dog like Rocco is times stronger than that of a person. If the cocker picks up an odor that indicates something is not quite right as the whiskey matures, he reports it to Global Brand Associate Director Chris Wooff.

() While most distilleries use machines to do Rocco’s work. Grant chose to keep traditional artisanal methods and opted for a dog’s natural sense of smell.

According to Metro, Wooff explained: “Wood is a natural material. and whiskey distillation is an organic process , so our job for Grant’s Whiskey is to make sure everything is perfect as the whiskey ages in the oak barrels. ”

Rocco, a one-year-old cocker spaniel, is being used to sniff out any imperfections in wood used to make the barrels at the Grant’s Whiskey distillery in Girvan in Ayrshire

Credit: Grant’s Whiskey / PA

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– Pixiedust (@PixiedustJtT) May 20, 2021

Rocco was trained in Pembrokeshire, Wales for 6 months for his work at the distillery. It was led by dog ​​expert Stuart Phillips, who, according to the Daily Mail, noted: “A dog like Rocco has such a natural sense of smell. powerful .

Rocco was built a kennel outside the distillery where he can be day and night. It is run by the team leader, Lianne Noble, who takes care of feeding, exercising and preparing his daily work schedule.

Rocco can sniff a large number of barrels in a short time, but not only for that reason it has been a great addition to the distillery. According to Noble, the arrival of the dog has also had a positive effect on the workers. The atmosphere rises where Rocco is working, “people can’t help but smile in his presence.”

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