Wednesday, October 23

AMLO asks the US for a “clear answer” on financing opposition groups in Mexico

From the National Palace, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, once again insisted to the United States government to clarify about the financing that He is giving groups opposed to his government.

“This that we are denouncing and that we are going to continue denouncing until the United States government gives us a clear answer as to why they are giving money to this opposition group, an opposition political group, that is a violation of our constitution, “he said.

“No foreign government can be giving money to opposition groups or political groups in our country,” he said.

The Mexican president says that he is keeping an eye on on the response of the United States government , which has not yet arrived, and of which he does not agree “that they are thinking about it.”

I am awaiting the response from the United States government and not this And I agree that they are thinking about it and we are in elections and those who are carrying out electoral-type work continue to receive money, because it is evident, there is no one from this group, no one who is not against us ”, He affirmed.

In his morning conference, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, explained that in this group which is being financed by the United States government , there are the main opposition leaders to his government from the PRI, PAN, PRD parties, which were grouped by businessman Claudio X González.

“Claudio X González, founder of this group, as he is the promoter of the alliance against us. He is the one who called, and there are photographs, of him with the leaders of parties opposed to our government. He grouped together all the conservative parties in the country, I am not inventing anything “, he affirmed.

The Mexican president specified that in this opposition group there are also media directors, businessmen, Former former government officials, columnists, and whom he calls “organic intellectuals.”

“There are the Director of the newspaper Reforma, the one who was in Coparmex (Gustavo De Hoyos), who went to accuse me with the King of Spain, (Héctor) Aguilar Camín, Mrs. (María Amparo) Casar who worked in the governorship under the government of Vicente Fox and was an advisor to the Secretary of the Interior, Santiago Creel and, of course, Mr. Santiago Creel is in the group like the lawyer Diego Fernández de Ceballos, like others, “he mentioned.

This complaint from the Mexican president, which is still awaiting a response by part of the United States government, emerged last Friday, May 7, when also in his morning conference s and reported that the organization “Mexicans against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI)”, whose founder is the businessman Claudio X González, receives funds from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID, for its acronym in English), research released by the Mexican media “Contralínea”.

“It is interference, it is interventionism and it is promoting the coup, and the coup to define it conceptually does not have to do with the use of arms or the army, the coup is a movement that is brewing that can be consummated by the Army or military, but the conditions to carry out the coup are being created with the support of foreign governments, the media, “said the Mexican president that morning.

Continue Reading: AMLO accuses the United States of financing a coup movement at a meeting with Kamala Harris