Tuesday, October 22

Mhoni Vidente's ritual to combat the evil eye

A red and a yellow ribbon, scented with your favorite perfume, are enough to cut the evil eye. Mhoni Vidente recommends this ritual if you have envy in love, work, school or family

El ritual de Mhoni Vidente para combatir el mal de ojo
The evil eye is associated with envy.

Photo: Bacila Vlad / Unsplash

Miguel Angel Castillo

The renowned astrologer Mhoni Vidente unveiled one of the simpler rituals that help combat the evil eye , curse that is transmitted through the look, voluntarily or involuntarily, and is one of the most

The psychic and tarot card reader explained that the evil eye is when they see you and wake up envy in others because they want your thing and it differs from witchcraft because in the latter they hate you.

“When all that is mixed, they do not let you advance in life, you do not have a stable relationship, you get very sick, you cannot sleep and it does not pay you money,” he commented in a video uploaded in his YouTube channel, where he added that other of the symptoms are that you cannot pay your debts regardless of the effort , things fall out of your hands and if I hurt you as the right foot .

To combat this curse , Mhoni Seer said that the first step is to get a pair of ribbons , one yellow and one red. The second step is to spray them with the perfume or lotion you use daily .

Red will take away your envy , sickness, love sickness; yellow is going to take away your envy about money, obstacles at work, obstacles at school ”, he declared and stressed that, when these two ribbons come together,“ they are an explosion of abundance in your life. ”

The third step is to place them on your ankle or right hand and you must tie them with three knots . In case it is difficult for you, the people who should help you are mom, dad or the people that you consider most love you in life.

He said that it is common that the slats fall off the next day, in case it happens and if you find them, you will have to burn them. “ What the ribbon does is ‘suck up’ all the negative energy and blow it away ”, she specified.

The astrologer clarified that the ribbons are tied on the right side because it represents the whole body, energies and strength, while the left symbolizes the heart and feelings.

In case the red does not fall, it is a sign of that love will come into your life and if yellow is preserved it means that there will be money, although it may take time.

As a last piece of advice, Mhhoni Seer recommended saying a prayer, like a Our Father or Hail Mary, at the time of placing the ribbons and thus cutting the bad energies.

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