Friday, September 20

Biden government is willing to invest millions for migrants to obtain citizenship

The government will give subsidies that will provide up to $ across the country. With the sole purpose that a large number of people benefit

Gobierno de Biden está dispuesto a invertir millones para que los migrantes obtengan la ciudadanía
The date limit to request the supports is the 16 of July of this year.

Photo: Courtesy

Luis Diaz

One of the campaign commitments made by today’s President Joe Biden was to do everything necessary for millions of immigrants to obtain U.S. citizenship regardless of ethnicity or race . This position, undoubtedly, allowed Biden to have enormous support from this population sector.

A few months after he assumed office as president of the country, the government that leads the Democrat, is already working on the issue in order to honor his word before millions of people who want to be certain to become U.S. citizens .

At the beginning of this week, the Biden administration addressed the issue by making it clear that there are real intentions for this to become a reality , making the hopes of legal immigrants, who have been in the country for years, may soon change their immigration status.

In this sense, the aim is to speed up the naturalization process for residents. Therefore, Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security, in a statement explained that it is necessary to provide “immigrants seeking to obtain citizenship the tools to succeed ”.

In addition, those interested in obtaining citizenship should keep in mind that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is already accepting applications for two opportunities for funds under the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program .

For this purpose, the federal government will give subsidies that will provide up to $ 10 millions of dollars for citizenship preparation programs in communities throughout the country. With the sole purpose that a large number of people are benefited.

These grant opportunities, according to official information, are focused on “organizations that prepare residents legal permanents for naturalization and promote civic integration through a greater knowledge of English, the history of Unidos ”.

The deadline to request support is 16 July of this year, the maximum amount of subsidy per Applicant Applicant is $ , 03 Dollars. To qualify, must meet the stipulations of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services .

From the 2009, the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program of the Citizenship and Immigration Service has awarded about $ 102 millions through 473 grants to immigrant service organizations for the sole purpose of supporting those who want to be U.S. citizens.


These grant recipients have provided services to prepare for from 279,000 permanent legal residents in 39 states and the District of Columbia. However, it is intended that the entire country be covered with this program.

Although great support will be allocated to civic training and knowledge of the country for those interested, The Biden administration is making this process easier by repealing the new civics test that immigrants must pass to obtain citizenship, implemented by the Donald Trump administration.

With these administrative movements, it is sought to accelerate the process of granting citizenship to many immigrants, who have waited for years for an opportunity to obtain a new status that gives them peace of mind, but especially that gives them hope.

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