Friday, September 20

They reveal the last message of Ximena Hita, Miss Aguascalientes, and the supposed causes of her death

Undoubtedly no one expected that the first death of the Mexican show unfortunately would arrive on the first day of 2021, and she did it in the world of fashion and catwalks, since it was the Miss Mexico contestant and representative of the state of Aguascalientes, Ximena Hita , who died at 21 years.

This was announced by the organization of the contest through its social networks with a photo of the young woman who had the opportunity to represent her state in the 2020.

“There is no correct way to communicate news as unfortunate as this; The confirmation of the death of Ximena Hita Miss Aguascalientes, whom we knew, appreciated and admired, fills us with pain and sadness; who will forever remain in our memories. ”, the publication reads.

They even highlighted the last message that the model published on her Instagram Stories, a publication in which Ximena answered a series of questions that her fans asked her.

These were the latest Instagram stories published by Ximena Hita, the beauty queen from Aguascalientes who decided to take her own life on January 1.

– Alfredo Molina (@ AlfredoRadio) January 1, 2021

The causes of his death were unknown, but in social networks he charged forces the version of the suicide , same information that was confirmed by elements of the Aguascalientes police who arrived at the department of Ximena after answering an emergency call.

According to what was disseminated by local media, the authorities arrived at Ximena’s home, on Calle Circuito el Huamuchil of the residential Fraccionamiento del Parque, place where they had been received by a woman of 48 years, who indicated that her daughter it was hanging inside his room.

That was how the elements of the Morelos Detachment gave notice to the paramedics to request their support and when they arrived, unfortunately they confirmed that he no longer had vital signs.

Ximena always had the dream of competing to be a beauty queen, since she was a child she had passionately followed contests and prepared to be a model while continuing her academic life.

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