Thursday, September 19

More than 200 dead leave the Israeli-Palestinian conflict one week after the start of the war escalation

One week after the start of the military escalation between Israelis and Palestinians, the death toll reached more than 200 due to the intense exchange of bombings.

In the Gaza Strip it increased to 200 Palestinians killed , including 59 minors, while 1, 305 reported injuries, the Ministry reported Gaza Health Department.

SCENES OF DEEP PAIN! This is the time when planes of the criminal occupation bombed a residential building in front of the Al-Rimal Clinic in Gaza, so far two people have been killed and more than 10 wounds.

– Fed Arg Palestine (@ArgPalestina) May 17, 2021

Meanwhile the release of 3, projectiles by Hamas towards Israel, same as the 90% were intercepted by the “Iron Dome”, they have caused the death of 10 Israelites, of which two of them They were minors , and two lost their lives when they fell when trying to take refuge from the impacts of fire.

# 17 May | 3.150 rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel in recent weeks. This is equivalent to 450 rockets per day.

🎥: @ IsraelinSpanish UjnHY

– El Diario (@eldiario) May 17, 2021

On the eighth day of the conflict , the Israeli army bombed the Gaza Strip intensively in the early hours of Monday, where on Sunday they died 42 civilians, while Hamas and Islamic Jihad militias fired their rockets at towns near the Israeli border.

You are going, but do these people go to the beach in the middle of the war? 😳

– 𝑬𝒍𝒚𝑩𝒖𝒖𝒖 ᥫ ᭡ (@StenburgEly) May 15, 2021

54 Israeli fighters attacked nine homes of senior officials of the Islamist movement Hamas and 15 kilometers of underground tunnel network, known as “Metro” , in which the high command of the Islamist militias, the main targets of the Islamist militias, are hiding. Israeli military offensives.

# 17May # Israel # Hamas built a network of underground tunnels for terrorist targets under the houses of Palestinians in #Gaza , using resources that should serve the health and well-being of the people. – @ IsraelinSpanish

– Report Now (@ReporteYa) May 17, 2021

# 17 May 💥 #Israel

This is the moment when an Israeli pilot decides not to bomb a building in Gaza, because there are children.

🎥 @the world is

– Traffic CARACAS (@traffiCARACAS) May 17, 2021

In addition, in a targeted attack, the Israeli army claimed to have killed an Islamic Jihad commander, Hasam Abu Hardib, responsible for launching anti-tank missiles.

Hussam Abu Harbeed, Islamic Jihad commander for northern Gaza, eliminated. He has lasted less than 2 years in the post, after replacing Bahaa Abu el-Atta, also eliminated by Israel.

to its successor, which make it a temporary contract interinidad.🎯 MEB2dfcr

– ACOM 🇪🇸🇮🇱 (@ACOM_es) May 16, 2021

Medical sources assured that Israeli warplanes attacked with two missiles a car in the western city of Gaza that killed three mens.

🌐 Husam Abu Harbid, from Saraya al-Quds, the military arm of the Islamic Jihad in northern the strip of # Gaza .

The commander of Hamas’s naval command unit has just been eliminated!

– Mikel 1250 (@Mikelavilam) May 17, 2021

During these last eight days, in Gaza, the Israeli Army bombings “have destroyed 76 buildings ” , some 725 homes “have suffered significant damage” and 4 others, 134 “minor damage”, according to data from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

⭕️LATEST | This is the moment when journalists from the American news agency @ AP evicted the Jala Tower in the Gaza Strip

🚀The Israeli army notified the owner by phone that they were going to shoot it down with missiles, with a time in advance. # L 24

– LATITUDE 24 (@EnLatitud 25) May 16, 2021

#Safety # International 🚨🚔🇯🇴🚀🇮🇱 Israeli bombardments on Gaza have intensified , causing the death of 42 people, of which 10 children and 12 civilian women🚨🚔🇯🇴🚀🇮🇱 @ Meganews

💻 90 x

📲 https: //

– Ángel L ucio (@ngelLucio) May 17, 2021

# 24May


The Al-Jazeera press building in Gaza – Palestine. Attacked by Israel #Palestineunderattak

– UVECarlosReyna (@UveReyna) May 17, 2021

The UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees ( UNRWA) reported that more than 38, 000 people took refuge in their schools after evacuating their homes for fear of air strikes, while other schools, roads and other infrastructure are destroyed.

Egypt opened this weekend the Rafah crossing, that cone cta Gaza with the Egyptian Sinai, to transport wounded Palestinians to their hospitals by ambulance, and some European countries try to evacuate Palestinians with dual citizenship.

الحمد لله انا بخير وربنا سلمنا من قصف مباشر بالقرب من عمارة الشوا بغزة 1394331708632276998

– حسن اصليح | Hassan (@hassaneslayeh) May 17, 2021

For its part, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) today requested access to the area of ​​the Gaza Strip where the constant flow of bombings prevents humanitarian organizations from bringing aid to the population in need.

“There is no time to lose, we call on all relevant parties to proactively protect civilians en, reduce tension and allow us to help people, ”said the ICRC Director General, Robert Mardini in a statement.

🇵🇸🇮🇱 | URGENT: Gaza:

– News Alert 24 (@AlertaNews 17) May 10, 2021

Access to hospitals and other essential places has become very difficult for the population in Gaza due to continuous airstrikes, as the The severity of the damage affects roads and multiple buildings, the ICRC reported.

“The intensity of the conflict is something we have not seen before: uninterrupted air strikes in the densely populated Gaza and rockets reaching large cities in Israel. As a consequence, children die on both sides ”, denounced Mardini.

And in the face of violence, The United Nations Organization makes an urgent call to the international community to stop hostilities in the Middle East.

“The fight must end. It must stop immediately. The rockets and mortars on the one hand and the aerial and artillery bombardments on the other must cease … a spiral of violence with devastating consequences for the two communities and for the entire region, “said the UN Secretary General, António Guterres. , in urgent virtual meeting.

With information from agencies.

Keep reading: UN calls to halt violence in Israel-Palestine conflict