Thursday, October 24

“I didn't feel pretty”: Andrea Meza, Miss Mexico, confesses that in the past she lacked self-confidence

La Mexicana Universal 2020, born in Chihuahua, from 26 years, noted that she was a very introverted adolescent, and even suffered bullying

“No me sentía bonita”: Andrea Meza, Miss México, confiesa que en el pasado carecía de seguridad en sí misma
Andrea Meza, Miss Mexico in Miss Universe 2020.

Photo: Courtesy Miss Universe / Benjamin Askinas / Agencia Reforma

Agencia Reforma

Andrea Meza , the Mexican who will represent Mexico in Miss Universe , confessed that in the past lacked self-confidence and suffered bullying .

“I have seen myself differently in each of the stages of my life, I don’t know if more or less beautiful, but I can tell you that in the past I didn’t feel happy with how I looked. I didn’t feel pretty ”, he assured

La Mexicana Universal 2020, born in Chihuahua, from 26 years, she noted that she was a very introverted teenager.

“Between the 12 to 16 years no I felt unattractive at all. I had difficulties living with my classmates at school … I had too much fear of what they will say “, he shared in a telephone interview before leaving for the United States.

This bilingual girl of 1. 80 meters, who has been a tourism ambassador and is a Software Engineer, now knows that it was his own insecurities that played against him.

“I I was very overweight when I was younger, I was chubby and chubby, ”he admitted.

“I didn’t fit the clothes that were supposed to be for girls my age. Besides, I was tall, my clothes were short and that caused me insecurity “.

With the change of mentality he understood that his power was not in his looks or how he looked.

“Curiously, I started to feel more beautiful and people started to see that in me too ”, he assumed.

Andrea confessed that she also suffered bullying while she was in high school.

“I never really received an offense from: ‘ fat, ugly ‘, but it was this rejection I felt of which it was not part. There was a time when they locked me in a bathroom and started saying things to me , to make up that I had made some comments; this when social networks started. It was a problem that became noticeable and I got kicked out of school , but that was not the solution ”.

The evolution it has had, both personally and professionally, will now be projected in the international contest, where it will transmit a message of empowerment and its fight against violence of genre.