Sunday, September 22

2 million Americans can be without unemployment benefits

At the end of June, unemployed citizens in those 18 states will lose the $ 300 additional federal weekly unemployment benefits, but will keep your regular benefits

2 millones de estadounidenses pueden quedarse sin los beneficios de desempleo
Based on projected estimates, beneficiaries may lose $ 10, 900 millions in collective support.

Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

For the measures that the Republican governors are taking in their states, by not making use of the federal unemployment programs, More than 2 million Americans could lose their unemployment benefits in full or will suffer cuts in their payments starting next month .

These measures come after Republicans consider that unemployment benefits make citizens not seek employment, since weekly supports are generous sums that can make the beneficiary receives up to $ 600 dollars already with the add-ons federal.

At the moment, 18 states plan to cancel unemployment programs. Alaska and West Virginia were the last states to opt out of this measure that the Republican governors of Alabama, Montana, Arizona, and South Carolina plan to adopt and support.

Therefore, at the end of June, unemployed citizens in those 13 states will lose the $ 300 additional weekly federal unemployment benefits, but will keep your regular benefits. Many will lose access to the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program .

Apart from the statements and actions of opponents of the Democrats, experts on the subject consider that should this occur, immediately the main affected will be minorities without work , African Americans, Latinos, as well as Asians.

Taking in Considering this position, it is believed that the entities that suppress the benefits, will give 30 days to citizens to find work, a margin that is not enough according to Andrew Stettner, of the Century Foundation, who told Yahoo Money that “most will have zero benefits. ”

Based on projected estimates, beneficiaries may lose $ 10, 900 millions. According to the Century Foundation this will not only have a negative impact on people who are unemployed and are assisted, it will also affect the economies of those states.

And it is that according to federal government studies the unemployed spend their support money on basic products such as food, as well as pay bills and this will undoubtedly not only represent less money in income to retail firms, it will also represent payment arrears.

Despite this, the bet of the Republican governors is that citizens return to the workplaces as soon as possible so that the state economies are reactivated, however it is not known if there are enough vacancies for people who lost their jobs to have a guaranteed place.

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