Saturday, September 21

If you are an air sign, one of the best weeks of 2021 awaits you

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius will be favored by the stars during the week of 17 to the 22 of May. The season of Taurus will end to make way for the third zodiac sign

Si eres un signo de aire, te espera una de las mejores semanas del 2021
The Gemini season benefits air signs, astrologers say.

Photo: Praveesh Palakeel / Unsplash

Miguel Angel Castillo

The week that has just begun will be one of the best of the 2021 for air signs due to the step that the sun will take from the earthly and rigid Taurus to the sociable and fun Gemini, whose season begins on 21 of May.

The sign of the twins is famous for its adaptability and open mind, contrary to what the sign of the bull represents. Astrologers say that during this period that will culminate the 21 June, there will be an acceleration of things and we will feel more animated . We may be interested in learning something new and expressing our ideas with others, as explained in an Elite Daily article.

Last week Jupiter entered Pisces , an event that for many astrologers was one of the luckiest and most anticipated of the 2021. This optimistic energy, in combination with the Gemini season, will encourage us to dream big and live emotional experiences .

However, the analysts of the stars call to have Be careful with our expectations and have some limits because there will be a tendency not to see things clearly due to the influence that the encounter of the communicative Mercury with the nebular Neptune will cause the 22 of May. Apart from this small cosmic inconvenience, the air signs will have a good week and astrology tells us why .


Naturally, Geminis will benefit because they will have their birthdays. However, beyond this positive vibe, the trine that Venus and Saturn will form in this sign will fill them with confidence and clarify their perspective on love.

Also, Jupiter , the planet of luck and expansion, will join the sun, this means that your success could be guaranteed if you dare to go for your goals.


Those who are Libra will feel more adventurous, free and ready to take advantage of the opportunities that come knocking on your door. It is a spiritual moment in which you can dedicate your life to enjoying what really matters to you, so the recommendation of astrologers is to get out of your comfort zone and let yourself go.


The creative qualities of Aquarius will be illuminated by the presence of the sun in his fifth house, which means that he will find a way to express himself without inhibitions. You must connect with your instinct to create and enjoy.

It may interest you: The luckiest signs of the Zodiac: Why do you have the stars on your side?

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