Friday, September 20

“The world will know less about what happens in Gaza,” says the AP agency after the collapse of the building where it broadcast

“We are shocked and horrified that the Israeli military targeted and destroyed the building that housed the AP office and other media, “the US agency The Associated Press said in a statement.

“El mundo sabrá menos de lo que pasa en Gaza”, dice la agencia AP tras derrumbe del edificio donde transmitía Israeli Army demolishes building of flats that housed Al-Jazeera and The Associated Press agencies in the Strip Loop.

Photo: MOHAMMED ABED / AFP / Getty Images


The American news agency, The Associated Press, whose headquarters in Gaza was bombed by the Israeli armed forces , assured that “the world will know less about what is happening” there and reported that a “terrible loss of life was avoided by evacuating their workers on time. ”

We are shocked and horrified that the Israeli military targeted and destroyed the building that housed the AP office and other media outlets ” Gary Pruitt, the agency’s director, said in a statement.

Edificio en Franja de Gaza

A fireball explodes in the Jala Tower when it is destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City (Photo by Mahmud Hams / AFP via Getty Images).

Pruitt He remarked that as a result of the bombing that collapsed the building “the world will know less about what is happening in Gaza.”

“It is an incredibly disturbing event. We narrowly avoided a terrible loss of life. A dozen journalists and collaborators were inside the building and fortunately we were able to evacuate them in time. ”

Pruitt stressed that they have asked the Israeli government for explanations and are in Contact the US State Department to find out the causes of the attack.

The collapse of the Al Jalaa tower , where the offices of the Al Jazeera chain were also located and other media, was captured live by multiple international television networks, including those that until today broadcast from there.

⭕ LIVE footage of the moment an Israeli air raid bombed the offices of Al Jazeera and The Associated Press in Gaza City ⬇️

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– Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) May 15, 2021

According the Israeli Army, the building “contained military assets belonging to the military intelligence” of the Islamist Hamas movement.

An Israeli military spokesman added that Hamas chose that building to to house its assets precisely due to the presence there of the media, which it said are “used as human shields” of the group.

This incident took place shortly after the Palestinian militias from Gaza launched a burst of rockets towards Tel Aviv, most of which were intercepted although one of them hit nearby Ramat Gan, where ah Name of 55 years was killed and 13 people were injured.

These attacks were just two of the multiple that were registered this Saturday, including numerous rocket fire at the communities neighboring Israelis to Gaza and several Israeli bombings on what they described as Hamas military targets.

Periodistas Edificio derrumbado en Gaza

Journalists sit on the rubble of the Torre Jala, which housed international press offices (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP via Getty Images).

Up to now, the death toll of the war escalation is at least 174 palesti us dead in Gaza since the start of this escalation of war on Monday, including 40 kids.

In Israel, for their part, they are 10 fatalities, eight of them from rocket impact and two who died from falls while running for protection in bomb shelters.

All of this takes place as the Deputy Under-Secretary for Palestinian and Israeli Affairs of the US Department of State, Hady Amr, is in the region to try to mediate between the parties, following the visit this week by Egyptian delegations, who failed to manage a ceasefire during their meetings in both Gaza and Tel Aviv.

Keep reading: Attacks Israeli airships in Gaza kill 13, including 8 children and smash a building from Associated Press and other media