Friday, September 20

Biden will allocate $ 7,000 million dollars to train and hire health personnel to face the Covid-19 pandemic

The funds of the American Rescue Plan are focused on recruiting and hiring public health workers, both to respond to the pandemic and to prepare for future challenges

Biden destinará $7,000 millones de dólares para capacitar y contratar personal de salud para enfrentar la pandemia Covid-19
The Biden Administration seeks to strengthen the recruitment and training of health personnel.

Photo: David Dee Delgado / Getty Images

Jesús García

The government of the president Joe Biden announced the distribution of $ 7 , 000 millions of dollars from the American Rescue Plan to hire health personnel and expand training, to face the pandemic of COVID – 19 and new similar challenges.

“The COVID pandemic – 19 has confirmed that the workers Public health services are essential and provide essential services to keep Americans safe and healthy ”, justifies the authority. “ The funds announced today will allow the United States to expand its public health workforce , creating tens of thousands of jobs to support vaccines, testing, contact tracing and community outreach, as well as strengthen the future public health infrastructure. ”

The distribution of funds will go to different projects , for example, will be will invest $ 4, 800 million dollars to allow states and localities to expand their public health departments .

“This funding will support a variety of public health functions, including funding for disease intervention specialists to conduct contact follow-up, case management, and support the s outbreak investigations, ”said the authority.

Also funding to hire school nurses, in order to help schools reopen safely and remain open for receive instruction in person.

Even will go to $ 3 , 000 million to CDC to create a new grant program that will facilitate federal investment in training and creation of new health programs.

“Today’s funding is based on the president’s promise last week of $ 250 millions to help community organizations hire and mobilize community workers and specialists in social support to increase access to vaccines in the most affected and at risk places ”, adds the authority.

The Biden Administration has intensified your health plan, including vaccine distribution .

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