Friday, September 20

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pretended not to know each other in a London supermarket

The grandson of Elizabeth II related an anecdote that happened to him when his now wife traveled to London to visit him, and commented that this situation would never happen to them in Los Angeles, where they now live

El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle fingieron no conocerse en un supermercado de Londres
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Photo: Getty Images


The output of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex of the British monarchy has earned them endless criticism, but it is undeniable that it has also had its positive side. Like royals in office, the couple could not give interviews other than to talk about their work as patrons of different organizations and were expected to stick to trivial and harmless conservation topics, such as chatting about the time, in his public appearances.

However, in their new life in Los Angeles they have found a freedom that has allowed, among other things, to talk openly about the reasons why they left the United Kingdom, at first in the controversial conversation they had Oprah Winfrey , and this week in the visit that Prince Harry has made to podcast of the actor Dax Shepard , “Armchair expert” .

Harry has revealed, for example, that on the first trip of his now wife to London to stay at home they agreed to meet in a supermarket to buy supplies and had to pretend not to know each other. “We were sending messages from each end of the corridor. People stared at me, gave me strange glances and approached me to greet me “, he confessed the grandson of Isabel II to your host.

“Meanwhile, I was texting her saying, ‘Is this what you want?’ And she would say, ‘No, you’re looking for greaseproof paper.’ And I couldn’t find it anywhere. He was wearing a baseball cap and kept his eyes fixed on the ground to try to be inconspicuous. The amount of gum you see is incredible, it is a disaster! ” This situation would never have occurred in Los Angels, in Harry’s opinion, since in his new home he can go outside without fear of a riot.

“Since I’ve been living here, I can lift my head and I feel different. I notice my shoulders more relaxed, and Meghan also; you can walk feeling a little freer. I can carry Archie on the back of my bike. I’ve never had the opportunity to do it ”, he explained.

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